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Lilyufie's G&A [Update on my account.]


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FOE - I Lilyufie I's/Lileh's G&A thread

Well the majority of you guys know that I'm not the most active guy in the world. But to try and get me back into this game increasing my activity for Foe and ofcourse you guys. I have decided to make a G&A to encourage me to play the game, to help provide me with that little bit more of grit and determination to actually level my account out and to be the best it can be. All I can ask from you is to keep encouraging me to Max Out just like you have over the last year. "Lol Craig"

Little information about my account. I_Lilyufie_I was created roughly around the end of April 2007 by my younger sister. After a few days of training she got bored it and give it too me in which she only skilled, so i decided to make a pure out of her. Named after my sister "Lily" and a character out of Final Fantasy 7 "Uffie" could include the "Y" First clan I joined Lilyufie on was PM > TH > FOE. Here I am now. Everytime I am on, I'm in "Cha0s Pur3" CC just to see "What the crack is" and whats up with everyone. Feel free to say "Hai."

Some recent previous levels, so you guys know what I have been up too;

Major Achievements;
99 Strength
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99 Fletch
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99 Hitpoints and Maxed out 82 Combat pure with 50 Prayer
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Account at present
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All in previous topics;
Some details/facts;

Total Level: 1444
Quest Points: 121
Total Experience: 70,148,498

Total Level: 1559
Quest Points: 191
Total Experience: 86,553,217

My aims and Objectives:

Firstly Skills - (The majority of these skills will be complete after my questing is completed)

At the minute|My Aim/Objective;

Attack 60/60 - Completed
Strength 99/99 - Complete
Defence 1/1 - Completed
Range 99/99 - Completed (More Xp though with Slayer) ^_^23.5/30M xp Long term aim
Prayer 50/50 - Completed (Finished all Prayer Quests, used 6 big bones to gain the last 90xp before 50)
Magic 99/99 Completed
Runecrafting 55/55 Completed
Construction 55/55 Completed
Hitpoints 99/99 Completed
Agility 60/66 Incomplete (Quests/ train at wildy/ape atoll)
Herblore 56/66 Incomplete (Cleaning herbs/Making potions - Not sure which herbs/pots though)
Thieving 66/66  Complete
Crafting 58/66 Incomplete(Earth/Fire Battlestaffs
Fletching 99/99 Complete
Slayer 77/77 Complete
Hunter 73/77 Incomplete (Red Chins/Black Salams for Xp)
Mining 58/66 Incomplete (Quests/ Pure Ess to 60 and Coal in Mining guild to 66)
Smithing 57/66 Completed (Quests/Smithing Iron/Steel bars)
Fishing 79/99 Completed (Monks->Cavefish->Rocktails)
Firemaking 66/66 Completed
Woodcutting 59/66 Incomplete (Unsure if quests will make me level, if they do Willows to 66)
Farming 64/66 Incomplete (Quests/Toadys and Limps to 55)
Summoning 1/1 Completed
Dungeoneering  1/1 Completed


Imbued Zerker/Archer/Seers/Warrior Rings (41/300 Rank at MA)
Fire Cape - Completed (Thanks Alex/Uaex V Jad)
Great Orb Project for Air Staff (0/10k Tokens)
Castlewars for Zamorak Halo (60/300 tickets)

Lastly, Quests:

Quests I would like to Complete(in no order)

Rag and Boneman
Making History
The Chosen Commander
Rum Deal
Cabin Fever

The Giant Dwarf
Another Slice of Ham
Land of the Goblins
Great Brain Robbery
Clock Tower
Dealing with Scabaras
Enakhra's Lament
Elemental Workshop I
Elemental Workshop II
Myth of the white lands
Enlightened Journey
Shield of Arrav
Spirits of the Elid
Swan Song
One Small Favour
Ghost Ahoy
All fired up
Death to the Dorgeshuun
As a first Resort

Will update whenever I complete the above, thanks for reading. Wish me luck,

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Very detailed and nice guide, Best of luck Mark.


A lot to do but thats the way it should be, gotta keep you playin aint it ;p ur accs comin on gorgeous mark gl with the rest of ur goals, and yeh keep repping phtp for me <3


a very long list you got there, will keep yas busy fo a while mark, GOGOGOGGOGOGOGOGO


Looks like you won't be going bored any time soon  :omg:


Oo, gl Lileh! A lot of things to do though lol. :nice:


good luck buddy glad to see ur kinda back  :wub:


good luck and nice to see ya back. Hai!


Good luck with your goals :)


Wow hawt statsss and 20m range xp o.O


Nice To-do list ^_^

I did the same thing when I made this account :embarrased:

It turned me into a no life :blush:


I have more respect for pures that quest than the one's that don't. so good job. Keep the levels comin'.


55-62 Fishing. Basically just fishing lobbies. Now have requirements for "Swan Song" :)

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45 Prayer from Rag and bone man Quest.

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Some little quests, when I had abit of spare time.

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Used "One Small Favour" Lamps on Herblore. Getting the majority of the goblin quests completed first aswell as Swan song.



Pro pro pro. :)

Love you laddy <3


gl and have fun lileh <3 :D


pretty impressive topic! goodluck lileh :]

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