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Have Uh Cry

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Quitting Have Uh Cry as I tried defence because I wasnt enjoying the stats I had (high prayer with 60 attack I dont like)..

Will most likely be giving haveuh away to a rl friend so he can do stuff on unfamished

Ive transferred my freinds list over so just remove have uh cry if i was added and add unfamished


Gl on the new pure, ive had 2 do this before bit stressful but will probly pay off mate


Good luck.

I give you 3 weks before you get 2 defence again. XD


Good luck.

I give you 3 weks before you get 2 defence again. XD

i give you 3 days before i make u smd


Good luck.

I give you 3 weks before you get 2 defence again. XD

i give you 3 days before i make u smd

You can't make me suck something you don't have.


Good luck.

I give you 3 weks before you get 2 defence again. XD

i give you 3 days before i make u smd

You can't make me suck something you don't have.

ill buy a strapon


Good luck.

I give you 3 weks before you get 2 defence again. XD

i give you 3 days before i make u smd

You can't make me suck something you don't have.

ill buy a strapon


I guarantee that this pure will be better and complete than mine is, even though I'm level 42 and whatnot. Good luck!


any goals yet?

goodluck anyways :d


Gl with the new pure,

Chris (Pur3strgod)

turn it into like a mainnn main. get 70 def higher attack for a gs and stuff.

Or let me use it ; )

Adam | LayDown

nice, wat stats r u going for?


nice man gl on it, im a 2 def tank aswell


Good luck with your new pure mate, we can pk togezer! <3



Gratz on 4 woodcutting man! I remade my pure once cause I got defense on it. Good luck.


gl m8, hope it works out :D


Most people dont like defence. Goodluck training

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