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i like it rs2 was shit tbh

Please kill yourself asap

who are you?

He is a dutch council of final ownage elite.

in other words an dumb ass that trys to hard?

He's an ex-council who is still ranked, he has made his leaving post. Ignore his posts honestly, he made his choice. Adapt or die. If you actually enjoyed RS towards the end of 2012 then you don't know what good runescape is. I don't know if EoC will be better but it couldn't possibly be worse. And honestly, I'm leaning towards it being a significant improvement. And Sniping, make a pure. You only need to train 1 stat (+ hp, prayer, summon because why not), as bridding is useless and such. You probably use one attack style,


didn't even login

whatup baby


Well I could use papas baby pure which is 90 str 60 atk


hate how in multi its not multi


Yeah I already have the info haha. So I'll just get 99 str and i'll be gold yes?


You won't get any combats from training attack as well, so you'd want to get 99 att/str, and prayer doesn't add combats for that matter, but that can obviously be a goal for later. But basically yes, minimal amount of training would have you at what I project to be our new reqs.


nice comments about me i see thanks

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