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EOC big detailed guide on gear


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Before i Start of quick note to NOT GET DEFENCE!

click the xp circle in ur combat style menu


Then click the melee,range and magic and change it to attack or strength and ranged/magic like so:


Hello all this is a basic guide of stuff i have been trying on beta to find out best gears to use for pures hope this hellps.

note (for weapons im listing there base dmg u get 99 dmg for hand and 49 for off-hand extra when u equip wich i think is cause of str lvl)

NOTE: Tested dreadnips i used mage/melee/range while using dreadnip and changed attack mode Att and try str to and they give xp in the melee skil selected so either atk or def #thxjagexfixingthemafterigot4def


if not enjoy the detailed guide =)



Bronze full helm (20 armor +19 hp)

Varrock Armor 1 ( 460 armor + 580hp)

Bronze Platelegs (22 armor +30hp)

climbing boots (30 armor+ 50hp)

Shield (not advised should duo wield) : Bronze kiteshield (20 armor+14hp)


One Handed Weapons:(+ dual wield)

Best Stabbing: chaotic rapier (damage 980 accuarcy 800 )+ Offhand chaotic rapier (damage 490 accuarcy 800)

Followed by: Dragon dagger (576 damage accuarcy 600) + offhand dragon dagger (damage 288 accuarcy 600)

Best Slashing: Chaotic Longsword (damage 980 accuarcy 800) + offhand chaotic longsword (damage 490 accuarcy 800)

Followed by: Abyssal vine whip ( damage 720 accuarcy 750) + offhand dragon longsword (damage 367 accuarcy 600)

Two-Handed Weapons:

Best Stabbing: Guthan's Warspear (damage 1599 accuarcy 700)

Best Slashing: any godsword (damage 1713 accuarcy 750 PRAYER 8)

Effects: Any Effect has a 25% chanche to occur on any godsword

Armadyl: hit 10% higher on the hit

Saradomin: heals a certain amount of hp and pray

Zamorak: bind your target for 5 secs (not sure on duration)

Bandos: Lower the defence stat of enemy (not sure)

Best Crushing: Chaotic Maul (damage 1828 accuarcy 800)

Followed by: Torag's Hammers (damage 1599 accuarcy 700)



Leather Body (23 armor + 40hp)

Leather Chaps (22 armor +30 hp)

Leather Gloves (5 armor +4 hp)

Leather boots(5 armor +4hp)

Shield (not adviced beter duo wield or 2h): Leather shield (20 armor +14 hp)


Note: if you are after hp and tank Dark bow gives 960 hp and 1200 armor (shit dmg though),

Best Arrows: Zaryte Bow (1510 damage 800 accuarcy 2 prayer)

Followed by: Full Crystal Bow (1321 damage 700 accuarcy)

Best Bolts:

Note: The Weapon damage is determined by the bolts (for example chaotic gives no damage but when u wield dragon bolts it Goes up by the bolt damage)

Best duo-wield: Chaotic Crossbow + offhand chaotic crossbow

Best 2h: Royal Crossbow ( damage 1060 accuarcy 800)

Followed by: Karil's crossbow (damage 927 accuarcy 700) Bolt racks (damage 672)

Best Bolts: Royal bolts (damage 768

Followed by: Onyx bolts (e) (damage 768) and then Dragon bolts (e) (damage 672)

I think all bolts keep there effect but apperently not so good in eoc not quite sure.



Mind helmet (100 armor + 60 hp)

Mind Body (346 armor + 360 hp)

Mycellium robe legs (110 armor + 90 hp)

Mind gloves (7 armor + 36 hp)

Mind Boots (7 armor +36 hp)

Mind Shield (200 armor + 150hp)


Best Staff: Polypore staff (885 damage (equiped so +ur base dmg) 800 accuarcy 5 prayer)

Followed by: Chaotic staff (885 damage (equiped so +ur base dmg) 800 accuarcy)

Best Staff With Critical : Master wand (720 damage accuarcy 600 2% magic crit chance)

Best Book (offhand): Unholy zammy book (read below)

but for mage only: Virtus book (80 accuarcy)

Spells: Cbf going in detail for this but you gotta check monster weakness(link below) and see what spell to use though polypore strike is best spell i believe for pures followed by ice/blood blitz or barrage (blitz and brg do same dmg) and fire surge.



Best Melee: Tokhaar (240 armor 2.4% melee crit 2 prayer)

Best Mage: GodCape ( 150 armor 2.5% magic crit )

Best Range: ava's Alerter (210 amor 2.2% ranged crit)

Trimmed Skillcapes: (180 armor 2.2% crit for all and 4 prayer)


Best Magic: Arcane Stream (4.9% magic crit)

Best Melee: Saradomin whisper (4.4% melee crit 5 prayer)

Best Range: Ranging amulet (4.9% ranged crit)

Overall: Fury (4.2% crit in all and 4 prayer)


Best Magic: Seers rings (i) (3% magic crit)

Best Melee: Warrior ring (i) (3% melee crit)

Best Range: Archer's ring (i) (3% ranged crit)

Best overall: Onyx ring (i) (2.7% crit in all 124 armor)

Followed by: Berserker ring (i) (2.5% crit in all 112 armor)

Followed by: Dragonstone ring (i) (2.5% crit in all 100 armor)


Halo's are new class items

Guthix for range (200 armor +120hp)

Saradomin for mage(200 armor+120 hp)

Zamorak for melee(200 armor +120 hp)

Not sure if they keep effect of less prayer draining for certain prayers but they are best headgear for pures.

Monk Robes:

top: 6 prayer

bottom: 5 prayer

unholly Books:


note: i only got zammy guthix sara idk about other ones but i doubt they will be beter

Note: the normal version of them is almost same but weaker (not illuminated)

Note: all books are listed as class:magic but they obv good for all styles

illuminated unholy book: (0.6% crit for all and 8 prayer)

illuminated Holy book (400 armor 0.2% crit for all 300 hp 8 prayer)

illuminated Book of Balance (266 armor 0.3%crit for all 200 hp 8 prayer)

RFD gloves:

pures can only use 1 and 2

Culliromancer gloves 1 (5 armor 4 hp)

Culliromancer gloves 2 (5 armor 15hp)

Regen bracelet has NO stats!

Current kuradal slayer tasks there Weakness:

Note: This is abit out of date because abyssal demons + 4-5 other monsters have been changed to be weak to melee instead!


Note:You can always see a monster's weakness by targetting it and it will apear in the top circle in ur combat styles menu

Thank you for reading and hope it helped, i kept delaying to make this till now so couldn't really remember evrything i tested but if i think of something i will add it, if you know anything post as reply and i will add it.

Changelog (always check this for updates):

- Changed the magic armor section to mind gear wich is REALLY good =)

- added Dark bow and sighted mage bow to range weapons.

- thx nyk added vrk armor 1.

- thx warbear added mind body/climbers/mycelium botom .

- Removed Skeletal/spined/rockshel cuz they are now 50def.


Note:for training you should defend vs what the monsters most damage it (for example if ur gna range black demons they will mage you so you gear magic defence, but if you melee them you gear melee def)

Halo > mind helmet

whisper/arcane stream/ranging amulet > fury

Varrock armor 1 > mind body

Mycelium robe legs

Climbing boots/ mind boots

Mind Gloves

Onyx ring (i) > berserker ring (i) > dragonstonering (i) > warrior/seers/arch (i)

if not duo wield: illluminated holy book > illuminated unholy book

Tokhaar-kal/ava's /god cape > Skillcape (t)

so obv if ur creep attacks with mage u will take guthix halo (mage def cuz its range) and if it attacks melee u take sara halo (cuz its mage so melee def) etc..


look over these, you may find interesting or useful to add in / update

they are multi / clanning based he was saying for his preference.

[Thu] [22:11:31] <[MM]Zyox> http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/3631/121122002439.png Melee/mage gear

[Thu] [22:11:38] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/s89h6.jpg mage bar

[Thu] [22:11:45] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/Ls1Ii.jpg Melee bar

[Thu] [22:11:59] <[MM]Zyox> http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/8553/121122002941.png melee/range setup

[Thu] [22:12:06] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/lS6yv.jpg range bar

[Thu] [22:12:12] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/RI5Oz.jpg tank bar


Maining's guides ;3


Gj man


Might get Varrock top 1

Good guide


u put some work in here damn


Nice guide , you can add zamorak, guthix, saradomin mitre too, they give one of the best LP bonus (still works after yesterdays update)


look over these, you may find interesting or useful to add in / update

they are multi / clanning based he was saying for his preference.

[Thu] [22:11:31] <[MM]Zyox> http://img96.imagesh...21122002439.png Melee/mage gear

[Thu] [22:11:38] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/s89h6.jpg mage bar

[Thu] [22:11:45] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/Ls1Ii.jpg Melee bar

[Thu] [22:11:59] <[MM]Zyox> http://img526.images...21122002941.png melee/range setup

[Thu] [22:12:06] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/lS6yv.jpg range bar

[Thu] [22:12:12] <[MM]Zyox> http://i.imgur.com/RI5Oz.jpg tank bar

yes but most pures dont have body body and skeletal/rockshell is now 50def (unless you was wearing b4 update) and halo > mitre and studed = 20def

also karil bow aint that good royal or duo ccb is beter or crystal/zaryte bow and the setup bars id say for different guide il explain what all does and when to use etc thx =)

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