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RIP Control


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Often the memories are better than the reality was.

This is a good thing :)

accual ur jealous of my intellect, d/w is only natural


Often the memories are better than the reality was.

This is a good thing :)

accual ur jealous of my intellect, d/w is only natural

I ACCUAL am :)

Oh btw our spy in IR was Touqir and you promoted him to leader, rip.

Duval, Sean and myself planted Touqir in your clan around January and he leaked for 3m/trip for the rest of the year. Even leaked to me when I joined EOP too. How does it feel to have lived a lie, been in the dark when you thought you were awake.

It's not hard to sit there and make shit up dude. Did I mention that Seb, Alex, KSE were all leaking to me?

Often the memories are better than the reality was.

This is a good thing :)


Just the fact you feel the need to post all this shit says that you're not content with CT's accomplishments.

You don't see me making topics that IR had the first spy network in early 2010, when the rest of you mugs were using scouts. And don't try to tell me clans all had spies in 2010, because the fact that he hit everyone in our division every weekend without them knowing we were coming says enough. P0ke, you know the bit about virtual machine is a lie, and so does Mygwas lmfao.


I don't see u making topics about IR because all there is to make topics about is getting cleared and closing and/or opening branch off clans called hysteria and getting closed again.

Btw ask touqir he wont lie to you.


CT's short term mediocre accomplishments don't come close to IR.

If there was a hall of fame for dead clans it would be clans like DV, C, IR, DP, E.

Clans like Chaotic, Control, Defiance, Calamity, TGG simply don't come close bro.


CT's short term mediocre accomplishments don't come close to IR.

If there was a hall of fame for dead clans it would be clans like DV, C, IR, DP, E.

Clans like Chaotic, Control, Defiance, Calamity, TGG simply don't come close bro.

You are a bit of a newfag and a fool, and I am tired of you're pseudo-old married couple bickering turning the forums into a cesspool. The part that annoys me is that the DP you're talking about it probably Raza's DP. I respect them, but come on, show some love to dead clans that actually mattered. EE, AAO, oldfag DP, RD, FI, TH. Even Epidemic played a huge role in the development of pure warfare, scum though they were. You seem to have a moderate knowledge of med level clans from 2009 on, which is just the worst kind of knowledge to have.


I think IR made a bigger impact on the pure world than Control easily.


Agreed Jon. At least IR had a presence in the pure world. Can't remember ever seeing a scout say "oh control is in such and such world at this place". I really only know Control as one of the already too many clans that p0ke has ran in his short term in the pure world. Calamity, fearless, control.. There really must be more, eh? Either way, take it from me. I was the epitome of active in pure clanning from 2006 to 2011 and IR was more meaningful than control, fearless and calamity put together. You have a total napoleon complex thing going there p0ke. The way you feel the need to break down and advertise the methods that brought you such mediocrity as a clan leader.. Yeah we get it. You ran a clan. You did some cool things. Then the clan closed anyways. Let it stay in the nonexistent runescape history books where it belongs, lest we waste valuable brain cells that we could use remembering the relevant parts of runescape.


Agreed Jon. At least IR had a presence in the pure world. Can't remember ever seeing a scout say "oh control is in such and such world at this place". I really only know Control as one of the already too many clans that p0ke has ran in his short term in the pure world. Calamity, fearless, control.. There really must be more, eh? Either way, take it from me. I was the epitome of active in pure clanning from 2006 to 2011 and IR was more meaningful than control, fearless and calamity put together. You have a total napoleon complex thing going there p0ke. The way you feel the need to break down and advertise the methods that brought you such mediocrity as a clan leader.. Yeah we get it. You ran a clan. You did some cool things. Then the clan closed anyways. Let it stay in the nonexistent runescape history books where it belongs, lest we waste valuable brain cells that we could use remembering the relevant parts of runescape.

but hes smarter than u :S


lock this topic.

I think we can all agree that what was posted in the topic is smart and good.

But Control did not benefit from it for some reason.


CT's short term mediocre accomplishments don't come close to IR.

If there was a hall of fame for dead clans it would be clans like DV, C, IR, DP, E.

Clans like Chaotic, Control, Defiance, Calamity, TGG simply don't come close bro.

You are a bit of a newfag and a fool, and I am tired of you're pseudo-old married couple bickering turning the forums into a cesspool. The part that annoys me is that the DP you're talking about it probably Raza's DP. I respect them, but come on, show some love to dead clans that actually mattered. EE, AAO, oldfag DP, RD, FI, TH. Even Epidemic played a huge role in the development of pure warfare, scum though they were. You seem to have a moderate knowledge of med level clans from 2009 on, which is just the worst kind of knowledge to have.

Yeah I was talking about Raza's DP, I personally would put them above epidemic, just because they competed at the top in both servers for a longer duration than E did. And no offence but if I haven't heard of a clan, they obviously don't matter because, sure I only joined the community in 2009 but I still knew about the dead clans such as TH, TGG just because of their accomplishments in 2006-2008. But EE? RD? Who lol?


CT accomplished more than IR v7, Hysteria and IR v8 put together.

Oh wait, we closed all of them over the nine months we were open


CT accomplished more than IR v7, Hysteria and IR v8 put together.

Oh wait, we closed all of them over the nine months we were open

you forgot to mention uprising bro


CT's short term mediocre accomplishments don't come close to IR.

If there was a hall of fame for dead clans it would be clans like DV, C, IR, DP, E.

Clans like Chaotic, Control, Defiance, Calamity, TGG simply don't come close bro.

You are a bit of a newfag and a fool, and I am tired of you're pseudo-old married couple bickering turning the forums into a cesspool. The part that annoys me is that the DP you're talking about it probably Raza's DP. I respect them, but come on, show some love to dead clans that actually mattered. EE, AAO, oldfag DP, RD, FI, TH. Even Epidemic played a huge role in the development of pure warfare, scum though they were. You seem to have a moderate knowledge of med level clans from 2009 on, which is just the worst kind of knowledge to have.

Yeah I was talking about Raza's DP, I personally would put them above epidemic, just because they competed at the top in both servers for a longer duration than E did. And no offence but if I haven't heard of a clan, they obviously don't matter because, sure I only joined the community in 2009 but I still knew about the dead clans such as TH, TGG just because of their accomplishments in 2006-2008. But EE? RD? Who lol?

Relentless Domination was the first successful NH clan that actually competed with pure clans.. I think they were led by H0zy if memory serves. Anyways really changed the whole pure world dynamic to have a successful pure clan that you could join without abiding by an honor code. AAO was a med level pure clan not particularly significant, they were just around forever. TH, FI and EOP were dominant in F2P at different points between 2006 and 2008. Probably the high point of each of their histories. EE was European Elites, first gmt based pure clan. I think Uaex was involved in leading them? I remember Archer Gonza, Archer Ezy (think they were HCs?). Then there was pentelranger who was in EE, and brother of their most famous leader. His name is escaping me atm.


Okay I enjoyed the little bit of Nostalgia. Judges table is saying hotkeying wins on TKO. Thanks all for the good fight.

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