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the best 1 defence gear

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so far this is the best 1 defence gear i could find replace it with maul or w/e depending what your doing this is based of hp and armour bonuses only may have missed out some items u can wear with 1 def


royal bolts are the best bolts for rangers now as well


yea, but most of us can only wear mind boots and gloves on 1 defence.


if 1 defence mind boots if maging climbing for range/melle and im pretty sure mind gloves are the best not 100% though


So... what are you wearing? I recognize the varrock armor... the mitre.. the chaotic crossbows... yeah I'm going to need some help here.


dont thin any 1 def can get body gear :S

unless u glitched it a while ago


varrock top guthix mitre studded chaps (g) body gloves body boots can replace with mind and saradomins murmur ammy (best ranged amulet) and archers (I)


Meh what stuff needs quests or minigames? I know offhand that I can't imbue rings, and what the hell is a saradomin's murmur?


its buyable from ge for around 3mish

saradomins whisper is best melle ammy

saras murmur best ranged

and saras hiss 2nd best magic


my gear would suck then


P2p is shit anyway ..


i'm confused lol..


I will post a f2p version of this later

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