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They think it's all over. It is now


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Yea, its time. We gave it a go and a few of us gave it our best but there is no hope for the time being.

I am too old, too bust and dont have the enthusiasm i once had for this game. However, i juggled all my efforts for the last few weeks with my irl schedule with work and social etc to give this chance the best shot of outlasting and renewing its lease of life with the eoc.

However, not enough people wanted to or enjoy this game enough to make it happen.

I thank those who gave it a go, especially the ones who dont like the game. Really appreciate the few who did come and try and lead and help.

Todays' trip finalised it for me, the wild was empty and gamers grotto left us kinda pissed after a few mins because we didnt have enough people to beat up the mains that were there. The numbers wont increase as we have no recruitment and people are not making new pures it seems. That isnt for us, but for all clans. We dont have the people or the time to be stood in edge spamming or recruiting the active eoc people and we dont have a youtube base who cares for eoc and we dont have good forum traffic.

Therefore it is pointless for us to carry on in that respect.

Another factor in this decision is these forums are outstanding with payment and will likely be shut down in 3 days or so. I have no intention of paying it with my own money and we have no income from ads as the forums are extremely dead. It is not worth my paying for quite forums when the clan is not going anywhere. So again another reason to call it.

If you want to keep the forums open for nostalgia and community purpose then pm sefket and do what you can.

Its been an amazing amount of time... just years of memories and fun and people I will keep in touch with for a very long time. Many have me on facebook and have my number and we will keep in touch.

People who complain at this decision or say im wrong to do it im sorry but where have you been? This is the right decision and in some ways the only decision. I will still happily go to any f2p wars or gamer grotto sessions if anybody organises them but other than that as far as RS is concerned im done with it. Too much for me irl now.

Any who wants to carry foe on and think they can make it work then feel free, i will not stop you.

Been a good run boys, one of the best.



amazing clan will miss u boys :/


Proud to of stayed till the end, only wish i was there in the beginning.

Will keep in contact with many of you via Facebook etc, we aim to keep Teamspeak up and running so come chill on there when you're online.

Also see you on battlescape because i will be there with my boys 1 iteming!

Been really fun and thank you to those who stayed till the very end....


Was years of fun, grew up with a lot of people around here. Been around for god knows how many years now, 4 maybe coming on 5. I'll try to stay in contact with everyone. Love you all. (majority).

Working on a new P Serv atm so hopefully I'll see you all there and someone can open FOE on there too.

Thanks for the memories guys

Andy xxx


best of luck everyone! and yeee is no the same rs :(


Going to miss you all, had such an amazing time here and thanks to everyone who made it what it was.. Idle in #Finalownage and pm me for my number xoxoxo love you all


wow thanks walli and everyone else who made FOE the home it was


Was such a good run, I was new to foe but i must say joining foe and being with you guys going to trips/preps ect was the funnest time i've had on runescape in a long time.

Thank you so much for the experience and knowlage.



Had a epic time while in foe, will be around the community if ts and forums are up.


so this is the end... i wish i could go back in time.. will miss forums but ye.. feels like a funeral.. glad i couldve been apart of the legends of pure clans.. hope ts stays open :(


alright mate, respect to the ones that still tried and gave eoc a shot

had a awesome time here in FOE will definitely miss this clan but everything will come to an end one time

wish all of u the best, lts try to keep in touch with eachother through irc



#bird if u need a new home


not much to say.

been a big part of my childhood lol

glad its finally over and we can move on

thanks for sharing this experience with me :'c


Rip will miss the forums


It's a shame but this game has been going no where fast. :/ Met a lot of great people here and I've had a blast being involved with this community. RIP FOE. Sounds gay but it feels like some of my childhood has gone missing...



Was a great run, enjoyed it to the max, lovely community. Also would have liked to join earlier, but w/e been good.

So many laughs, rages, epic moments, yeah...

Knijf, bawage, dutch lmfags, sonny legend, so many more.

Final Ownage till I die.

Ffs still no F2P win over MM ;P

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Edited by Foe Andrew

R.I.P Reevesy aka Pewblet aka Pewblet Jr aka RyanKennelly aka MrReeves

2008-2012 lads wuv u all, ill be on irc, if any of u want me on fb pm me.

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