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without foe


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i would never have sold over $14k rsgp without foe

i would never have made pk videos without foe

without foe i would not have forged the friendships i have done over the years


I would have quitt 2-3 years ago


I wouldn't have made so many friends online!


i would've had my numbers in double figures already with the amount of nights out i missed.


i wouldn't have learnt as much english as i know now, all those irc and ts sessions <3

guess i learnt something aswell about different kind of persons, authority and maturity


i would've never met everyone in #nijeveen


Without foe I wouldn't be able to persuit my career as a Mandingo in the Philippines.


Without foe I wouldn't be able to persuit my career as a Mandingo in the Philippines.

Mandingo son


wouldn'tve repeated a college year


I wouldn't have met Anthony and DannyB, know dutch phrases, learned HTML coding, learned IRC commands, learned how to photoshop and edit videos, learned how to use youtube, learned how to mimic a cockney, learned to recognize many accents, learned to be good at RS.

haha :rolleyes:


I wouldn't have learned how to communicate with a lot of people from different back grounds, use a computer better then most, and how to troll


Might not even have started doing graphics if I didn't find you guys...


Without foe I wouldn't meet a real captain

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