R--0-N-N-I-E Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 Astounded to realise that i was a part of this clan 7 years ago. Pretty sure most of you on here reading this wont know me! but I rememeber the day i was inspired to make a pure by fighting Mahatma x0x h3ll x0x and Volcanic fox in varrock wild on my main! Went on to make a pure one of very few 60 99 1's at the time and joined FOE for a long time! Quit playing when pking was taken out. Had a fond look back on some old pk videos inculding my own and it brought back some fantastic memories, all the people i fought and all the names that pop up from my friends list! Awsome times cant believe its all over. Felt the need to say something althought many here will not remember me nor care :) but thanks for the good times! And heres the vid i made for anyone wanting to look back on the old days ! Not me who posted it on youtube but great to see someone did!Goodluck to everyone in the future whatever you do.
Jonny Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 how do we know it is you? you was leading the clan when you were part of it? :)
Jonny Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 How would you suddendly find our forums which are pretty much dead and which changed their adress a few weeks ago.
Grifte Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 I think I remember him being a few times here on forums last years, could be wrong with another name though with loads of --- and consonants :p Nice vid m8
R--0-N-N-I-E Posted December 6, 2012 Author Posted December 6, 2012 Haha, it is me, i have Walli on msn from before he was even in foe. I havent been on here for years. I checked on the FOE youtube channel while i was looking back on vids and saw people saying RIP Foe! Then someone mentions this is the site and i couldnt beleive its actually came to an end! I didnt take any part in leading the clan but i was a very well known name across the whole pure pking scene! Used to absolutely love it. Theres afew pics in the archive on here of some kills i got on Pk trips. Just genuinely gutted about it all ending and thought id pop in to say my goodbyes.
Luke Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 Hey r0nnie, yeah I do remember you from the old forums. Weren't you part of some scamming scandal or something way way back in the day? Anywho welcome back to the community, sad news init
Josh|0MEGA Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 ronnie with the rambo specs, remember you pking alot at edge castle back in the day
R--0-N-N-I-E Posted December 6, 2012 Author Posted December 6, 2012 Haha Rambo specs! I remember people used to accuse me of using a bot because my dds specs were so brutal. My brother used an old account of mine to take afew mils off afew members in foe once but when I was told I paid them all back straight away. Other than that I don't know of any other scamming lol. I remember you both from back in them days. Didn't realise how much fun I had until now.
Luke Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 Hindsight's 20/20 man. Most of the times in FOE you just cruised through out of obligation or whatever. I never remember having a particularly great time in the moment (though there are a couple), but when I look back on the better part of a decade I spent in FOE I feel extremely nostalgic. Shame the times had to end, FOE was a big part of my younger days.
Zany Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 I remember you from wildy lol, lots of my buddies in your vid like Drima Killa, Razor, and people on your fl. also nice clip with omnipker;D pc prod nub
Kody Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 (edited) only newfags wouldn't remember you.. whats up bro it's been a minute. this is k1lla btw.. j4il b4te.. that guy was the shit.. remember his big ass crooked smiley avatar on forums edit: i guess we do have alotta newfags =[ Edited December 7, 2012 by Kody
Luke Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 Hey Ronnie. It's me Dead1y Arrow. lol no one will ever forget sefkitty
R--0-N-N-I-E Posted December 7, 2012 Author Posted December 7, 2012 I remember you all quite suprised anyones even replied to the topic, i thought it'd be a whole new era of people playing now. Wicked to see that the clan stayed on the same road with the same people! Whats made it all end? Is it just lack of active mmebers or is the game in general been ruined by updates?
Luke Posted December 7, 2012 Posted December 7, 2012 I remember you all quite suprised anyones even replied to the topic, i thought it'd be a whole new era of people playing now. Wicked to see that the clan stayed on the same road with the same people! Whats made it all end? Is it just lack of active mmebers or is the game in general been ruined by updates? It's all perspective.. The pure community as a whole has been on a downslide for probably 4 years or so, really since the wilderness went out. Every clan uses spies, DDoS each other's teamspeaks and forums, crash fights etc. So the run ins and stuff were pretty whack, every summer clans pull better opts, ever winter they go way down. This particular winter, virtually all our leadership had joined FOE in the last year or 2. Walli is the only one who was even here in wilderness times I believe. Anyways, I don't think we had the stability we once had, and jagex put out the "Evolution of Combat (EoC)" update. Changed the entire dynamic of combat in RS, right down to the combat levels themselves. Remember when 126 was the max combat? Now it's 202 or something, and fighting is about what "abilities" you use. Instead of a dds spec or a gmaul or something you have all these different fighting moves that you use hotkeys to use. So basically with the entire runescape dynamic changing, and the cesspool that used to be the pure clanning environment, it just wasn't coming together. FOE probably could have gotten over the hump, but in the aftermath of the update there was 10- kids at trips, when the average over the past couple years is somewhere around 60 a trip. No bash to anybody who was new to FOE, but this probably would have been impossible years ago.
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