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good memories and how i found foe

camels milk

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I started playing runescape early 2005 and made my first pure in 2005, I felt in love with pking.

I remember I mahatma I, spetke, not a hax and f r 0 g mite were my biggest idols.

Then in 2006-2007 a friend told me about foe, he showed me this video, in my opinion is this the best video of foe. I'm not sure but I think this video is re-uploaded because i think i saw it in 2006 but not sure, I remember the music of this video was blocked.

foe's big day out :wub2:

Since then I felt in love with foe and always watched their pk vids.

My biggest goal was to join foe, unfortunately i made always new accounts.

Now i was becomming very close just needed some hp levels to join them.

to bad eoc destroyed them, i realy wished i would have been a part of this clan.

I'm gonna miss it :(.

when did you made your first pure and found out about foe?


it took you 6 years to get 90 strength?


when did you made your first pure and found out about foe?

Made my first pure in 2006, as I got destroyed on my shitty 60-60-60 main by pures in the wild. Think I knew about Foe since like '07, when I got destroyed by Foe when I was pking with mates, just a motivation more to become a good pure and/or to join such a force. Been idling around foe/irc since then I think, although I was pretty shy and mostly just sticking with my old friends till I introed on the new site in '09.

Nice story mate, pity u didn't reach ur goal.


it took you 6 years to get 90 strength?

not really but i pked to much to get stats up and mostly made new pures when i was around a 85 stats :smile:


I knew about FOE since 2007? maybe even 08 but they always seemed out of range.

By making my first sucessful pure I learned quick and was able to level fast.

I did have pures in the old wild but they were more like 1 def, 60 range, 25 pray (to protect chaps lol), 1 atk, 1 str

Also f2p only


Hahahaha Chris|Fr0gie is one of your biggest idols? I love the man but east hull is a cesspool. I honestly didn't know anything about pures, got perm banned on my main for offensive language (back when that was possible). I made a "skiller account" cause that was most of what I did on my main anyways, and then decided to get 43 prayer for shits and gigs. Eventually started alching all the yew longs I made from skilling, and had 85 mage by mid '06. I met Joker around then, and he was training for 99 range before he applied to FOE (kids were weird those days with achievements and whatever) and he told me about pures and such. By November 2006 I was an FA, been with FOE ever since minus a 2 week break early in 2008. Wilderness got removed, I stuck with FOE until they were over the hump, then I got defense on True Whip. Bought a pure and rejoined and got council or officer or whatever back immediately.


Hahahaha Chris|Fr0gie is one of your biggest idols? I love the man but east hull is a cesspool. I honestly didn't know anything about pures, got perm banned on my main for offensive language (back when that was possible). I made a "skiller account" cause that was most of what I did on my main anyways, and then decided to get 43 prayer for shits and gigs. Eventually started alching all the yew longs I made from skilling, and had 85 mage by mid '06. I met Joker around then, and he was training for 99 range before he applied to FOE (kids were weird those days with achievements and whatever) and he told me about pures and such. By November 2006 I was an FA, been with FOE ever since minus a 2 week break early in 2008. Wilderness got removed, I stuck with FOE until they were over the hump, then I got defense on True Whip. Bought a pure and rejoined and got council or officer or whatever back immediately.

i liked frog back then because of this awsome vid :happy: , though it wasn't my favourite solo pker :p


Hahahaha Chris|Fr0gie is one of your biggest idols? I love the man but east hull is a cesspool. I honestly didn't know anything about pures, got perm banned on my main for offensive language (back when that was possible). I made a "skiller account" cause that was most of what I did on my main anyways, and then decided to get 43 prayer for shits and gigs. Eventually started alching all the yew longs I made from skilling, and had 85 mage by mid '06. I met Joker around then, and he was training for 99 range before he applied to FOE (kids were weird those days with achievements and whatever) and he told me about pures and such. By November 2006 I was an FA, been with FOE ever since minus a 2 week break early in 2008. Wilderness got removed, I stuck with FOE until they were over the hump, then I got defense on True Whip. Bought a pure and rejoined and got council or officer or whatever back immediately.

i liked frog back then because of this awsome vid :happy: , though it wasn't my favourite solo pker :p

I was partial to Yankin Deez and of course elvemage.. I liked this main pker named b o n e s too if it rings any bell. That's funny though, I didn't remember that fr0gie was big on vids or anything.


#taco limey , #elvemage , #kidsranque , #i kasoy i, #i mahtma i,


Yankin Deez was beast as fuk with that maul


why r so many of u geeks taking the time to write these essays about a runescape clan.

but while we're on the subject 0mfg0rz was the best video maker


why r so many of u geeks taking the time to write these essays about a runescape clan.

but while we're on the subject 0mfg0rz was the best video maker

cus it took up a large portion of our childhood

its like graduating highschool all over again


#taco limey , #elvemage , #kidsranque , #i kasoy i, #i mahtma i,

Meh Taco Limey is a total newfag youtuber in my honest opinion. This is coming from someone who was in an 8 person clan with him prior to FOE. I knew him back in his Limster8 and King Nuke Em and I F0rizzl3 I days. Limey used to be a cool ass kid, and we PKed on our pures all the time. He became a bit of a tool by the time he was joining MM. By the time he was leaving MM and making youtube videos, the start of his fame, he was basically antisocial, epitomizing how RS can change people. Kids Ranqe's videos were quite enjoyable as well, I didn't list them because I was already pure and in FOE with him before he put half of them out.


Late night teamspeak with my nigga Purple 0wnz


Man that vid takes me back. I saw Bx F00l (MM high council in '06?) tear shit up with a range pure, so I made one. Joined Foe since I didn't feel like waiting around and Foe had FA or else I would've went to MM.


but while we're on the subject 0mfg0rz was the best video maker




#taco limey , #elvemage , #kidsranque , #i kasoy i, #i mahtma i,

spells 2 wrong, obvi wasnt around back then


I believe in a thing called loveee, mhmh how the loot felt back then


I believe in a thing called loveee, mhmh how the loot felt back then

it was all about getting dat rune.. also papa roach/breaking benjamin on every old rs vid l0l

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