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My pure's current stat's.

The Stevo

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ya bout it just needing to get some range then planning on joining foe :)


EPIC MAGE BASE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

yeh man, just work on the range and HP with 50/60 attk and 70 str.

then you can get in easily.


not easily, cuz i don't think u will get accepted with only 94mage :/


ye im expecting to get atleast 80 rnage 70 str before i app.


combat o,o ? Nice magic level, U might wnna train ur strength up for the K.O


combat o,o ? Nice magic level, U might wnna train ur strength up for the K.O

yea im more into the clanning side tbh.

after im done with getting reqs for foe f.a that's when iwill start working on my pking stats. for now main priority is joining foe.

68cmb 74 ranged and 67 hp since this screenie aswell tbh. and 63 str


pick up the shield noob lololol.


Need to get alot of range if you want to pk otherwise you will get dropped by the people your level with high strength/range


omg hawt mage :o gl getting stats for Foe :)

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