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Ere, we war with our dds.


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kyle got kse to hit me off once when we were fighting. What is going to be done about this walli?

Awh man I love kse<3


Good that you made a topic about this. We don't want to become EoP v2



Final Ownage Elite

we are the best. we dont resort to shitty tactics that those shitty clans use as a last effort to scrap some sort of win..

here at foe we dont need to cheat or lie or steal.. we just win


only tp ddosing ts3 in battlescape


Dont see why people shud ddos anyways, private server or no..

Its just pathetic how some people are these days on the internet.


werent you getting everyone you know to ddos tederick when he bsed you like 2 months ago when you were afk on a trip? lol

was on ts with him when it happened


I just ragged him and fatality with a bunch of mains for an entire trip and he then apologised.

not sure how you rag someone an entire trip when they werent with a clan and losing connection every 30 seconds and dont know how to change there IP, but alright

He joined FI, i never said it was that trip you mong.

Also dont know why you are coming at me here lol, ive never ddos'd tederick or anybody for that matter. If he was losing connection every 30 seconds then all i can say is it is possibly one of the many 100s of people he pissed off in his runescape career.

as you clearly said i was afk for most of the trip, if you think i ddos over monk robes and dds then you have clearly gone stupid in your absence from me and foe.

misunderstanding then, my bad. feel free to delete my original post if you'd like


werent you getting everyone you know to ddos tederick when he bsed you like 2 months ago when you were afk on a trip? lol

was on ts with him when it happened


I just ragged him and fatality with a bunch of mains for an entire trip and he then apologised.

not sure how you rag someone an entire trip when they werent with a clan and losing connection every 30 seconds and dont know how to change there IP, but alright

He joined FI, i never said it was that trip you mong.

Also dont know why you are coming at me here lol, ive never ddos'd tederick or anybody for that matter. If he was losing connection every 30 seconds then all i can say is it is possibly one of the many 100s of people he pissed off in his runescape career.

as you clearly said i was afk for most of the trip, if you think i ddos over monk robes and dds then you have clearly gone stupid in your absence from me and foe.

misunderstanding then, my bad. feel free to delete my original post if you'd like

Lesson learned, never get into an argumemt with walli you will always lose


A public topic? Looks like a bit of propaganda to me.


A public topic? Looks like a bit of propaganda to me.

or a warning message to anyone who would want to be FOE at any point

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