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[Bs] Clanning Community Latest Update: Holiday Events


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Events Comming up:

22Th - Hide and Seek

29Th - Zammy Vs Sara

? Date - Gfx Competition

Well the first thing we gonna talk about " Hide and Seek"



Hoster of the Event: Tristin & Idrawdee

Location:Starts @ Edge


Clan Chat: ClanWorld

Rules: Find Tristin or iDrawdee

Ts: Battle-Scape-Public.teamspeak3.com <- if the limit hold changes

Reward: 20-100m

Main Topic:


Hoster of the Event: Braiden & Kingrang

Loc: Clan wars

Date: 29Th

Clan Chat: 2 diff CC

Rules: 1 def cap all on, first to get 200 kills

uniform: sara cape or zammy

Ts: Battle-Scape-Public.teamspeak3.com <- if the limit hold changes

Main Topic:



GFX Competition might be created next 1/2 week

If we can get 5-10 people who wanna have one if you do or know someone please reply this topic:

with 2-3 your best gfx work or someone art work.


Also enjoy SAUL Script work

if you wanna be part of the script team please pm Saul or Kingrang3194

Bs Runehead:


PCL Table:


Most Active Clans:



We might be releasing the new thing in 2 weeks or on new years


CW High Ranks







if your are asking where is tristin he has been demoted.

But he will still be part of the community helping everyone :) with #Battlescape



noty tristin is a mod on there

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