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For anyone who doesn't know/Common sense BS stuff


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Okay I am hoping at least 90% of the people who play Battlescape know these rules.

You cannot account share - If someone from another clan is offering you GP to do a Fire cape service DO NOT be tempted, you will get banned, not just your pure but every account associated with the IP.

Gold points - 50 Gold points are worth 70m, sometimes 75M. Do not sell below, do not sell without going in to the CC 'Help' and requesting a moderators help, usually Call/Mars are willing to Xfer.

All guides on the forum that are verified actually work, even the casino guide.

You cannot Xfer on the same Pc, use someone you trust and DO NOT allow anyone on your account due to the IP tracking.

The biggest issue I myself have found on this server is the fact that some moderators/OPS on Bs are actually part of the pure community and if you say/do anything they do not like you will 99.9% time be banned, keep a mule for safety measures because it will probably come in handy when you make a topic about how you have won the latest Fri/Sat/Sun event and you have someone like Ultama etc raging IRL and power abusing for that erection.

I'm willing to help anyone out/point out all guides that work if anyone needs.

Pm me in-game > Tables.


I'll be adding more ike most common drops from high LVL NPC's.


ive paid someone to get my firecape and kiln, im not gonna get banned for that lol


ive paid someone to get my firecape and kiln, im not gonna get banned for that lol

If they report you for account sharing you will get banned and nothing will happen to them.

Use a moderator or a clan friend.

Also using any language other then English can be a strike offence in this game.


bs mods/admins are derps

Mods lure players in game l0l


buyin gold points yo

When Pali gets around to adding my 500 points I will sell you some :).


Ultama sold me gp i love him!


I'll be updating when I wake up in 6/7 hours time.

Posted (edited)

That's what was good about RS; pure clans could speak their mind without any consequences (Cept the odd cross map DDoS), on BS my concern is the mods and how they ban ppl for stepping on their toes among other minuet things.

My advice is have multiple pures and as stated have some cash on them as a back-up.

Wisest thing to do is probably not fuck with the mods and pick your words wisely on the game.

Edited by Captain Mortuls

Good topic, well thought out, however, fuck the police.


actually didnt know about the Bs mod's etc. being in the pure community =s,

thanks for that one.


It is indeed worth having a back up or three considering this is a game that isn't run like Runescape. Mods consistently ban anyone who do indeed step on their toes and Mods have been known to lure. They even register for the pure clans websites (Including FOE's) to monitor what we do/how we behave. If you look past the Nazi style policing of some of the mods and as stated multiple times, make a back up pure, you will be fine. :)

~ Updates.

All glitches must be reported, all bugs must be reported also, abuse of either is lifetime ban 'Waiting for confirmation on that.'

You cannot talk about selling Gold points or buying gold points INGAME. 90% of thetrade should be done via the forums, the other 10% should be done in game WITH a MOD/someone you trust to MM.

Minions are known to drop/have better drop rates then the Arma/Bandos Boss. LEECH THE MINIONS :D

Regardless of the time you are waiting for GP you cannot get/issue a refund once you purchase them via Google Wallet. IF you do attempt to charge back £££/$$$ You will be blacklisted, can also cause a risk to anyone you trade/gift points too.

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