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imbued rings

bald mate

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Posted (edited)

does any-one know the protect value of them? are they the same as a regular b ring or do they protect over standard gear?

not getting unless they do. completely fuckin pointless when there's aura's and i'm too much of a jew to risk an additional 20 fuckin mil bridding

Edited by bald mate

Idk there must be a thread in battlescape forums


When doing dungeoneering it cost 250 pts to enchant the ring (berserker,seer's,archer's,warrior) You have to have the ring in your invo to be able to enchant it. Making the regular berserker ring a berserker ring (i)


When doing dungeoneering it cost 250 pts to enchant the ring (berserker,seer's,archer's,warrior) You have to have the ring in your invo to be able to enchant it. Making the regular berserker ring a berserker ring (i)

that helps in no way at all he's asking what the protect value is not how to get it, and when u die with it, it will turn back into a normal berserker ring

When doing dungeoneering it cost 250 pts to enchant the ring (berserker,seer's,archer's,warrior) You have to have the ring in your invo to be able to enchant it. Making the regular berserker ring a berserker ring (i)

that helps in no way at all he's asking what the protect value is not how to get it, and when u die with it, it will turn back into a normal berserker ring

You don't loose an un-tradable item. It just loses its enchantment on death.



When doing dungeoneering it cost 250 pts to enchant the ring (berserker,seer's,archer's,warrior) You have to have the ring in your invo to be able to enchant it. Making the regular berserker ring a berserker ring (i)

top bloke


When doing dungeoneering it cost 250 pts to enchant the ring (berserker,seer's,archer's,warrior) You have to have the ring in your invo to be able to enchant it. Making the regular berserker ring a berserker ring (i)

that helps in no way at all he's asking what the protect value is not how to get it, and when u die with it, it will turn back into a normal berserker ring

You don't loose an un-tradable item. It just loses its enchantment on death.

how 4n are you? l2read u spastic l0l



same as regular ring afaik

also quote from palidino

Imbued rings go back to their original ring and drop for your opponent if you lose them on death. Risk vs reward.

i bought them, they have shit alch value glory etc prots over.. gf my 30m and 500 points =[


Ye they should fix that..its dumb af


nothing is different about it

not even worth getting imo


You almost always lose it


Imbued rings Are useless when your member.


i bought them, they have shit alch value glory etc prots over.. gf my 30m and 500 points =[

fuck, thats shitty. not gonna bother in that case


I heard that it dsoent count as an untradebale so if u die you can lose it


If you die with an Imbued ring, it goes back to regular and you have to re-enchant it.


nothing is different about it

not even worth getting imo


was going to get a b ring (i) untill i read this thanks heaps would've been a waste of points.


was going to get a b ring (i) untill i read this thanks heaps would've been a waste of points.


nothing is different about it

not even worth getting imo

let them do what he wants bully and you're fat

nothing is different about it

not even worth getting imo

let them do what he wants bully and you're fat

Shutup ur asian

Nobody messes with my friend


nothing is different about it

not even worth getting imo

let them do what he wants bully and you're fat

Shutup ur asian

Nobody messes with my friend

I'm sorry but Andrew is a dick to people! :P

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