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eoc working?

Lofty Range

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hey, possibly dumb question... but i've been away from rs since the eoc came out... i found that it pretty much ruined the game, but i'm not sure, maybe you guys have figured out how to make work. just wondering if the new combat system is working out for pures as far as clanning and what not? please let me know so i can get involved if everything is going well.


Pretty much all pvp-related clans are dead on Runescape including foe. I'm sure that answers your question


Rs is dieing because of it theyr loosing subs errrday

And ofc we don't play runescape anymore we've moved on to Battlescape s0nny


All clans pretty much vanished. Eoc is shit.


EOC has killed off all forms off claning and PVP in general

The only reason RS is still surviving is because you get fannys who play that game to skill


RS is exactly how it was in 06. Everybody is playin again!!


Ruinedshitcape is dead. Boring as shit for pures and any form of combat


RS is exactly how it was in 06. Everybody is playin again!!


Eoc is shit. Rip bridding


soo battlescape, eh. i made an account and i;m checking it out... so far i am a bit confused on how you are supposed to acqure items and money... this isn't a spawning server am i correct? any help would be great i really want to play.

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