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what to do?

spiit n pk

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thts my acc as of right now.. claws are going up, should i try and sell em and get up my other stats? or what? 65 attack, i cant explain it, my dumbass friend got it. no quests done.. at all -.-

lol, suggestions


go outside!@!@!@

...sell them and train other stats


if i didnt go outside my stats would be high, this is all from what some kid on my msn just gave me tbh


nice macroed account.. dont do anything on it.. itll just get banned before you et high stats.


Thats a bought account lol off gold4rs, or some other account site seen them myself.


again, my friend on msn gave it to me, i havent played rs in months. cut the flames u nolife queers


again, my friend on msn gave it to me, i havent played rs in months. cut the flames u nolife queers

Only a no life queer would ask questions about RS. Ewww...

But get 75 attack, train that strength high.. Get ancients.. And pk with AGS..


personally agree,

sell claws & train other things

because "the 35m" could double if you use it right,

well my thought's anyway.


i'd just restart and do a bunch of 76k's to yourself. that'd be pretty good..if you're lucky


I like that wizard hat.

omg i know right, but I think varrock bank looks great, Jagex did a good job on it


Kinda bad situation, i'd sell the claws can't go up too much more wouldn't have thought.

train up mage/range for now.


1. Sell the claws.    2. Flip.    3. ???    4. Profit!!!!


Sell the claws and train that mage and other stuff, cant get into any clans with out it

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