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ctr alt elite

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Runescape in 2006 sucked ass, I started in classic but the golden era was in pvp worlds

Posted (edited)

lol wdf niggas saying 2007 and 2009 were the best years to scape

seriously 03-06 best years

BH sucked balls and PVP was trash as fuck , even the new wildy wasnt that great . in the old times were you would go to gdz/hills and black castle was the best times ever sad to see people actually think BH was "the best time in runescape"

Edited by Dravid

battlescape is just good cause it takes few days to max and make gp, its a sever where we can have fun and fight other clans.

ctr alt elite

its nice hearing your different views on it.

personally i will probably go there for the fun of it


I love reading the replies of people that say they played in 2006 and never have, and state how PvP worlds were better. Obviously didn't play in 2006.

If you think PvP/BH was better than the old wilderness then you either sucked at pking or never stepped foot in the wilderness.


I Loved the wild in 2006 but must admit that I sucked at it.


well wat i rmemeber i was in foe owning bak in 06 n the wildy was at its best.


any rsps that requires as much time as rs to level up is not worth it imo


I like it cuz theres no op weapons and shizz, but ye cba takes too long


Have a donator account on there played it for a bit, but i just play nr OSS when i get bored of battle-scape.

Yes fam, 99 strength on that now!

Other combat stats are also looking decent.


battlescape is just good cause it takes few days to max and make gp, its a sever where we can have fun and fight other clans.

Can see were you're coming from, FOE wouldn't have a trip or even a war for months.

Ready Ok FOE

i was going to play but the release took 4ever so now they can go fuck ioff


never going to train that much again


Training legit like rs? Nty plus it's a p server


lol pvp worlds better than pking back in 05/06.... I have just lost all respect


Pre-BH was the golden days of fun pking.

BH was the golden days of money making

PvP worlds were a bad joke jagex played on us

I'd probably play if it wasn't just rs on a private server lmao the thought having to put in 1500+ hours into an account that could be erased at any minute is a wee bit scary


they closed 2006scape btw lol

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