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medical help pls


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ive had a cough for a few days, its 5am, woke up spluttering and coughing

tried for an hour to get back to sleep but coughing stopped me, tried some calpol and brought water to bed, just meant that now when i cough im almost sick from coughing so heavily and the water in my body

i can feel an itch in my lower throat not sure if lung cancer or just irritation, also my stomach is fucked in pain from the fits of coughing

what i do someone please help, cant lie down as i cough

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Do you smoke?

Could easily just be strep with a bad cough.

smoked for 3 months, whats strep?

In the US we call it strep throat. It where your throat gets super sour and it hurts to breathe, and you cough a ton. I'd go to the doctor tomorrow as soon as they open and get it checked out. It's not fun

I HIGHLY doubt its lung cancer. Smoking shows signs over a long period of time, not 3 months.

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Pretty common thing with smokers as well as people who live with cats.

This is a tall tale sign of cats cough, caused by the hair/dandruff from animals. I've had this before as well. I used Mucinex. (anything that breaks up mucus and lets you get the mucus and what not out of your lungs.)

If you're not comfortable with pills, find some mullen and smoke little pieces of it, its a herb used by native americans for respiratory problems.

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Do you smoke?

Could easily just be strep with a bad cough.

smoked for 3 months, whats strep?

In the US we call it strep throat. It where your throat gets super sour and it hurts to breathe, and you cough a ton. I'd go to the doctor tomorrow as soon as they open and get it checked out. It's not fun

I HIGHLY doubt its lung cancer. Smoking shows signs over a long period of time, not 3 months.

well i had a cold and showed half the other systems last week, but the feeling sick was not due to sickness, it was a result of coughing and a lot of water in my stomach, and it forcing it up through stomach cramps of coughing hmm

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Pretty common thing with smokers as well as people who live with cats.

This is a tall tale sign of cats cough, caused by the hair/dandruff from animals. I've had this before as well. I used Mucinex. (anything that breaks up mucus and lets you get the mucus and what not out of your lungs.)

If you're not comfortable with pills, find some mullen and some little pieces of it, its a herb used by native americans for respiratory problems.

i think the drug is in beechams all in one, i'll buy some tomorrow morning and see how that goes, if not ill look at strep deeper

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my dad is a doctor, he advises cough syrup, inhale steam from a hot water bowl, sleep upright.

talk to me if you need more help

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Could be getting that norovirus shit that's going around, don't know what it actually is, but if you start vomitting take a guess.

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