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[♥Updated♥] Guide To Working mIRC [W/ Scripts]


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Full Guide to Working mIRC

Step 1:

Download mIRC http://www.mirc.com/get.html

Step 2: Once opened Fill in your email/name this can be anything doesn't have to be your real msn/name and fill in nicks + backup nicks for if you dc or whatever you change to that nick.


Step 3: Open all dropdown menu's and go onto servers and choose SwiftIRC then doubleclick it choose random server


Step 4: On the dropdown menu go onto options then tick reconnect when disconnected, then go onto perform tick the enable perform on join and type in /ns id password,and on line below /mode (nick) +Tp


Step 5: Go onto IRC click the IRC (the word) and tick the box enable rejoin when kicked

Step 6: go onto IRC - dropdown menu - messages and tick box enable timestamps


Step 7: Go back onto connect and click connect, you should now be on mIRC

Step 8: You will get a popup telling you about favourites, delete all of the favourites it has and add your own, make sure you tick join on connect when sorting your favourites out. Then untick the box saying popup favourites on connect and you should have your autojoin chans sorted.


Step 9: Go onto view on top of screen then font and change your font to tahoma, tick both of the boxes and also do this in a pm too.


Step 10: Press alt + b and go onto your address book, go onto nick colours and tick the box enable nick colours, then click add, Red = @ = Op, Orange = % = Halfop, Blue = + = Voice & Black = nothing = unvoiced but make sure you take the other symbols out when making them and they must go in that order or it won't work


Step 11: Press Alt + b and go back onto nick colours, this time go onto highlights tick the box saying enable highlights and add your own, add your highlights and where it says play sound click it to change it to beep)(if you want your highlights to beep that is) and also choose a colour of your preference


Step 12: Your all sorted now for basic mIRC Without Scripting. The Reason mIRC is so useful is for its Scripts of All Kinds:

After that click ok, now you have your first scripts, then click on file - new in scripts editor(remote) and type the following:

Scripts That Are Useful if Your are a Halfop+

on *:input:#: {

if ($1 == .ei) { mode $chan +eeII $address($me,3) $me $address($me,3) $me }

if (+* iswm $1) { mode $chan $1- }

if (-* iswm $1) { mode $chan $1- }

if ($1 == .add) { cs access $chan add $2 $3 }

if ($1 == .ban) { mode $chan +b $iif($address($2,2),$address($2,2),$2) }

if ($1 == .unban) { mode $chan -b $iif($address($2,2),$address($2,2),$2) }

if ($1 == .inv) { invite $2 $chan }

if ($1 == .del) { cs access $chan del $2 }

if ($1 == .k) { cs kick $chan $$2 $iif($3,$3-,No Reason) }

if ($1 == .tb) { ban -ku $+ $calc( $3 * 60 ) $chan $2 13 $+ $$3 Minute Ban3) 3(1Reason:13 $iif($4,$4-,Requested) $+ 3 }

if ($1 == .-ei) { mode $chan -eeII $address($me,6) $me $address($me,6) $me }

if ($1 == .list) { cs access $chan list }

if ($1 == .info) { cs info $chan }

if ($1 == .n) || ($1 == .up) || ($1 == !evolve) { ns update }

if ($1 == .cb ) { mode $chan +b ~c: $+ $2 }

if ($1 == .-cb ) { mode $chan -b ~c: $+ $2 }

if ($1 == .x ) { mode $me -x }

if ($1 = .+v ) { mode $chan +v $$2 }

if ($1 = .-v ) { mode $chan -v $$2 }

if ($1 = .+o ) { mode $chan +o $$2 }

if ($1 = .+h ) { mode $chan +h $$2 }

if ($1 == .clearei) { cs clear $chan excepts | cs clear $chan invites }

if ($1 = .-h ) { mode $chan -h $$2 }

if ($1 = .-o ) { mode $chan -o $$2 }

if ($1 = .+a ) { mode $chan +a $$2 }

if ($1 = .-a ) { mode $chan -a $$2 }

if ($1 == .akicklist ) { cs akick # list }

if ($1 == .assign) { bs assign $chan $2 }

if ($1 == .unassign) { bs unassign $chan $2 }

if ($1 == .akick) { cs akick $chan add $2 $3- }

if ($1 == .remove) { cs akick $chan del $2 }

if ($1 == .n) || ($1 == .up) || ($1 == !evolve) { ns update }

if ($1 == .id) { /ns id Password }

if ($1 == .delakick) { cs akick $chan del $2 }


on $*:TEXT:/^[!.]site/Si:#finalownage: {

; #~#~#~#~#~#~ Scripts made by Co0kiezs ~ #Zenith & #FinalOwnage ~ www.foe-rs.net ~#~#~#~#~#~#

; #~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ Any Script Request? /Query Co0kiezs #~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~

if ($me == $me) {

notice $nick The Current site for $chan is www.foe-rs.net }


on *:TEXT:@site:#finalownage:{ msg $chan The Current site for $chan is www.foe-rs.net }

on *:NICK:{ if ([foe] !isin $newnick && #finalownage == #finalownage) { mode #finalownage -v $newnick } }

on *:TEXT:*:?: {

if ($me == $me) {

msg $nick 14 Hi $nick $+ , I Can't recieve any 11PM14. This is a bot for #finalownage. If you have any Question 11PM14. a 4@OP14. }


alias masshl {

if ($left($1,1) == -) { var %massu $iif(a isin $1 || o isin $1 || h isin $1 || v isin $1 || r isin $1,$remove($1,-),a) | tokenize 32 $2- }

else { var %massu a }

var %x 1 | var %msg $iif($1,=> $+ $1-) | tokenize 32

while (%x <= $nick(#,0,%massu)) { if ($nick(#,%x,%massu) != $me) { tokenize 32 $1- $nick(#,%x,%massu) }

inc %x


tokenize 32 $1- %msg

while ($$1-) { say $1-30 | tokenize 32 $31- }



Now ok then Reopen and click on file - new in scripts editor(remote) and type in the following;

Alias foe { url -an www.foe-rs.net }

Alias yt { url -an www.youtube.com }

alias tp { www.tinypic.com }

Then click on ok to save them and your set, you type /foe and it will open FOE forums^^

Why you should use mIRC and not swiftkit? If you want to play standard battlescape just use swiftkit, mIRC is alot better as it doesn't use as much CPU = faster Battlescape etc and it doesn't freeze etc like shitkit does it's alot move advanced than shitkit and looks alot better too. the finishing look of mIRC after you have done all the above.

Edited by Co0kiezs
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fuck sake, wish my mIRC would let me redownload it without paying yo.

There is a script to reset the trial

alias regedit {

if ($readini($mircini,about,portable) == yes) {

remini $qt($mircini) user lastrun


else {

comopen trial WScript.Shell

comclose trial $com(trial,RegDelete,3,bstr,HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\LastRun\)


echo -s Please restart your mIRC


once you use that it restarts the trial

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