Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Due to recent events that have taken place, I have lost my place in FOE. after confronting leadership trying to regain my rights to re-app it has became clear that I shall not be returning. this post is just dedicated to the people I will miss from the community, how I know them and why they will be missed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew - I understand at times I could be the most annoying person in the world but in general, I enjoyed talking to you. there have been times where I have made you mad, but it was never intentional. Animal - I remember in my early days of FOE, back when you were a proud member, bridding in white portal with you and tauntz, no matter what, you always had a way of making me laugh, even after I lost bank to a forum rat the first time I apped. Surgery - I didn't get on with many yanks, but in my early days I enjoyed talking to you. one of the few yanks I could stand talking to.. steroids- there was always a feud between us, as a bear could never be in pig unit... there will always be that conflict. had fun playing with you. Ben - I didn't get to talk to you much but, I from what I know so far... you are a nice guy, and more people should be like you. would save time trolling. Irun England - chill guy, but obviously plays the piano in real life, has a flat head and lives underground. Mortuls - even though recently we have had our differences and you have been in a shit mood with me for scamming honey garlic, I can look past that, I will remember you for helping me develop as a player and understand Runescape better from a pures prospective.. even in the battlescape era you helped me perform to the best of my ability. no matter how hard things got, and how many times I felt like leaving or quitting you would pull me into two person chat and knock sense into me. (thats a characteristic I now use IRL, and that is down to you) Chives (Devon) - our contract agreements have always made me laugh, you are one of the elite few people I could trust with my account details, enjoyed talking with you on TS. Tepee - one of the nicest guys I have met from this clan, after being hacked for my bank, helped quest me to app standard for free and also did me a firecape. I will remember the times we use to brid at drags, bank was made. Korasi - probably the most certified player to join FOE, best rapper no doubt, use to always look forward to seeing you on teamspeak, still need to work on those AGS specs, nice 0s :D aha. Failed again - Bear is not amused, I preferred it when you were leading, was good playing with you... I have seen the footage of you killing my favorite pker "ihana kyljys" but I still refuse to believe it is possible. probably one of the most respected players in FOE, and always will be. nice Yu-gi-oh cards IRL. ajajaja. Jamie - I will always remember them times where I would stay up all night chatting to you, watching movies with you and trolling random kids who came into TS. regardless of what other people say, you still have a flat head and play the violin. Tyler - you of all people were a challange to Troll, it was hard but In the end I got to you, maybe you were afraid to admit it but seriously.... out trolled... good to know I have a place in your signature. I keed I keed. #1 Troll = tyler. (never underestimate mandark) secretly a master at trolling. Dizzy - cuter than Teemo IRL, most adorable person in FOE. alot of people had problems with your age but you still P-necked every last comment and progressed further. nobody is crushing his ambitions any time soon. #1 Tnak. deepest voice. Ph0ne - sickest cunt at tr0llin on IRC. talk sit get daws... Clearly #1 for being best build in FOE. Clearly lifts IRL. Domf - didn't really talk much but you are worth posting about, generally a nice guy. Manny - from the early days I enjoyed talking to you, but after you scammed me for an account... to make a small sum of profit I am going to have to turn my back on you, it was a dick move and for such a small amount, 20M. thats low... we were friends at one point, to scam a friend is the lowest kind of low... atleast in my actions I can justify what I did by saying the guy I scammed was a cunt and I made over 600M+ (thats why most people be mirin) cheeky cunt +++ nobody gives a fuck about maniac unit lolololol. #Bears empire was where its at. I skype moms - didn't really talk much, you have appeared in a few of my screenshots from wildy PKing on my G mauler. "bearism" (the account manny hacked off me) I remember the name from times I use to idle in MM's teamspeak. Walli - probably the biggest scrubs at World of warcraft, I remember times sitting on TS guiding you through how to play. giving you countless tutorials, it was tedious. up until recent events I thought we got on. but clearly not... I remember a few days before I posted my leaving topic you were one of the few people flaming me for trying to get somewhere in FOE. I really wanted to progress, I spent countless hours sorting out trips and having mini's... calling at every opportunity I could. all I got in return was a lot of shitty comments such as " you are selfish" and "you will never progress in FOE" at least on the plus side you were right, but I ain't mad... in the end of it all... you still have a small dick and a flat head. Adhi - I will remember times playing various flash games online with you, such as haxball, minigolf ect... its good that you are able to look past all the shit people say about you, most clan leaders need to be sick Tnaks. no matter how many comments are made about you taking steroids and shit you were always able to not give a fuck. Kane - I didn't spend alot of time with you, but the time I did spend with you I enjoyed, Tiny chat wouldn't be the same without you and korasi. Tauntz - I remember when I needed GP after being hacked and you hooked me up, giving me cash as a complete stranger. truly a nice guy. obviously #1 jordie. skidz - alot of people didn't know you were black IRL, but your secrets safe with me, I didn't really talk to you much but I have enjoyed the times we have talked. Tederick - overall I am disappointed with you, one minute you are acting like my best friend and as soon as you drop from foe you BS me, good to know cunts like you show their true colors when it suits you best. but I am willing to look past that, I will remember the times on My free cams where we would make cam girls cry. fun times. Joe dogg - a lot of people said I sound like you at times, TBH you are one cheeky cunt who needs to watch his back. my awards seem to have had more of an impact on the forums than yours, but what can I say... its just obvious that I am #1 GFX. still getting requests to this day about signatures. Lawrence - I don't think many people know who you are but I remember talking alot with you on IRC. *Fifty* your ticks be wack as fuck . dutch lmfao - I remember my first day in IRC, I got scammed by a random FOE member for a membership pin, after being scammed you personally bought me a pin. if it wasn't for you I would never have joined FOE, I would have left the community due to lack of trust. so I have you to thank for meeting the vast majority of people I know in the community today. dave - always had a positive outlook on the community, wish I could have been there when you were leading. I enjoyed talking with you over teamspeak when you were online. Lights Mayhem - probably the best dutch hands down, not at Pking but in general. he was so YOLOSWAG420BLUNTBLAZING all the way through 2k12-2k13. Garry + brad - I enjoyed the time spent with both of you, good having you on my team for mini's and for trips. we absolutely destroyed any team that opposed us. I will remember that time we had a mini against TP and we won 2-1. for the reason being on the third round we banked all gear and went ham on them with a DDS and no food. still took most of them down. ( busting pink hats spamming: this is why im MM) Felix - me + you = #1 lurers. probably one of the funnest guys to be around at any time. Omega - didn't really talk much, but you seem legit. must wear a dress IRL. Cookiezs - I enjoyed times spent on My free cams with you, trolling cam girls. or back when I leaked enormity locs to zenith and made bank, 8M a hit. honestly would have joined Zenith if I didn't rejoin FOE. the community was seemed tight. Move - donated alot of GP to me and helped me out alot in battlescape after being hacked. FOE could use more players like you. santana - not even #1 rapper. go back to school, your flow is dead. A Z O - probably the worst 4rner at english, most of the time you speak I find it hard to understand a fucking word you are saying. it would probably be easier if you just stick to speaking swe. Bear is not amused. I have missed a few people, I will be updating the list later. its 2:23am. I have college in a few hours. peace.
Rangep00npkr Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 (edited) Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. Edited January 14, 2013 by Rangep00npkr
Mortuls Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 We'll have a chat on team speak soon to put right a few wrongs, and cheers for the shout out.
Dog Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Dont call me joe dog. Call me dog. Ur not my friend, my awards also had people wanting them for weeks, would u like a medal? Steroids hasnt posted in ages.. when he does he only posts in fitness.. he also probs doesnt even know who u r like most people on this site, hes just one of those ppl who flames any1 who doesnt roll with him, and onky has a problem with ppl he deems geeky.. same as myself, so if u had a 'feud' with him ur probably a nerd. pretty evident from how much u attention seek like a 14 yr old girl tho lol U really do remind me of myself a couple years ago back when i was a fat geeky attention seeker.. who knows.. maybe ull change like i did!
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 Dont call me joe dog. Call me dog. Ur not my friend, my awards also had people wanting them for weeks, would u like a medal? Steroids hasnt posted in ages.. when he does he only posts in fitness.. he also probs doesnt even know who u r like most people on this site, hes just one of those ppl who flames any1 who doesnt roll with him, and onky has a problem with ppl he deems geeky.. same as myself, so if u had a 'feud' with him ur probably a nerd. pretty evident from how much u attention seek like a 14 yr old girl tho lol U really do remind me of myself a couple years ago back when i was a fat geeky attention seeker.. who knows.. maybe ull change like i did! thats adorable. Im not after attention, this is just there for those who I will remember. (its not all positive) its cute that you think of me as a 14 year old girl.
Dog Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Dont call me joe dog. Call me dog. Ur not my friend, my awards also had people wanting them for weeks, would u like a medal? Steroids hasnt posted in ages.. when he does he only posts in fitness.. he also probs doesnt even know who u r like most people on this site, hes just one of those ppl who flames any1 who doesnt roll with him, and onky has a problem with ppl he deems geeky.. same as myself, so if u had a 'feud' with him ur probably a nerd. pretty evident from how much u attention seek like a 14 yr old girl tho lol U really do remind me of myself a couple years ago back when i was a fat geeky attention seeker.. who knows.. maybe ull change like i did! thats adorable. Im not after attention, this is just there for those who I will remember. (its not all positive) its cute that you think of me as a 14 year old girl. no u definitely crave attention and love to be in the center of it all. With ur catchphrases and ur little "bear" persona.. does that even have an origin btw or is it ur online character you made up to draw attention?
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. In the nicest way possible, I don't know who the fuck you are. or give a fuck about who you are. (in the nicest way possible) I have one itemed once, and that was an unofficial trip. we have already been through that. I don't need a load of feedback from some cunt who doesn't know who I am... its not helping. if you aren't on the list.. don't post. its quite simple... this thread has nothing to do with you. at all...
Mortuls Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 (edited) This topic is gunna be one to follow it seems Although I wouldn't have made this topic but rather; got on ts and started to rebuild a few broken bridges and perhaps rethought what many ppl told you about your attention-seeking attitude also you left when the tough times flooded this place, and as predicted you came back. Bear what I will say is just chill on ts and chill with these topics, aka lay low and have a more laid back approach to foe/ts/forums if leadership & the community decide to basically let you back in. Edited January 14, 2013 by Captain Mortuls
I Skype Moms Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Not sure what happend but you seemed like a chill guy in ts -.- who was active in ts cya man :/
Dog Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. In the nicest way possible, I don't know who the fuck you are. or give a fuck about who you are. (in the nicest way possible) I have one itemed once, and that was an unofficial trip. we have already been through that. I don't need a load of feedback from some cunt who doesn't know who I am... its not helping. if you aren't on the list.. don't post. its quite simple... this thread has nothing to do with you. at all... No1 knows who you are either lmao you have a nov 2011 join date
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 who r u lol? thats cute kevin, must be lost.
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 Not sure what happend but you seemed like a chill guy in ts -.- who was active in ts cya man :/ this is why im MM. ;D
Dizzy Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 I will miss you come on ts we can chat lol u still have my skype its all good
Andrew Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Not sure what happend but you seemed like a chill guy in ts -.- who was active in ts cya man :/ this is why im MM. ;D u were never mm im sure bob wouldn't even consider letting you in lmfao
Mortuls Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Uni in the mourning and a topic like this arises. Damnit.
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. In the nicest way possible, I don't know who the fuck you are. or give a fuck about who you are. (in the nicest way possible) I have one itemed once, and that was an unofficial trip. we have already been through that. I don't need a load of feedback from some cunt who doesn't know who I am... its not helping. if you aren't on the list.. don't post. its quite simple... this thread has nothing to do with you. at all... No1 knows who you are either lmao you have a nov 2011 join date Im not claiming to be old school, or a known player. look at the date for my first app lol. its like a day after making the forum account. its clear you are trying to flame "dog" . clearly lost pal... is it because im making you look like a stray? Bear over boy scouts.
Certified Bear Posted January 14, 2013 Author Posted January 14, 2013 Not sure what happend but you seemed like a chill guy in ts -.- who was active in ts cya man :/ this is why im MM. ;D u were never mm im sure bob wouldn't even consider letting you in lmfao I have only ever been in FOE, Its just one of the many lines I spam in game for lulz.
Rangep00npkr Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. In the nicest way possible, I don't know who the fuck you are. or give a fuck about who you are. (in the nicest way possible) I have one itemed once, and that was an unofficial trip. we have already been through that. I don't need a load of feedback from some cunt who doesn't know who I am... its not helping. if you aren't on the list.. don't post. its quite simple... this thread has nothing to do with you. at all... No1 knows who you are either lmao you have a nov 2011 join date Im not claiming to be old school, or a known player. look at the date for my first app lol. its like a day after making the forum account. its clear you are trying to flame "dog" . clearly lost pal... is it because im making you look like a stray? Bear over boy scouts. Well you should give a fuck about who i am. Enjoy your warn and speak nicer on forums. No need for your useless negativity.
Andrew Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 Talked so much shit about leadership, 1-item on trips, bs on trips your obviously not coming back. You quit when the going got tough. Even though i don't have a problem with you your kind isn't needed. In the nicest way possible, I don't know who the fuck you are. or give a fuck about who you are. (in the nicest way possible) I have one itemed once, and that was an unofficial trip. we have already been through that. I don't need a load of feedback from some cunt who doesn't know who I am... its not helping. if you aren't on the list.. don't post. its quite simple... this thread has nothing to do with you. at all... No1 knows who you are either lmao you have a nov 2011 join date Im not claiming to be old school, or a known player. look at the date for my first app lol. its like a day after making the forum account. its clear you are trying to flame "dog" . clearly lost pal... is it because im making you look like a stray? Bear over boy scouts. Well you should give a fuck about who i am. Enjoy your warn and speak nicer on forums. No need for your useless negativity. u double warned him u goof ball :C so does that mean this thread is d3d now
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