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Me vs Tlp mains 1v3

kreamie pies

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Was just ragging and found 3-4 tlp pking at rocks so I got brid gear smashed them all 1v3 ty for loot kids.


Then I lured some more tlp to deep wild for no reason I just needed to die because I had no run.


Heres 2 members that stayed and I caught them In clumps then just died.


Ty for the fun tlp. [Foe]Apps are OPEN


Cya tlp


lol 3 loots on ground says enuf , dit sold over 4k of goldpoints still 1 itemeing


lmfaoooooo 4 ancient staffs on the floor


Foe apps are open? we don't need them lol


is gravite staff good?


I heard your a phaggot

You're And sadly I herd nothing about you... Who are you again?

I heard your a phaggot

You're And sadly I herd nothing about you... Who are you again?

soz you wouldn't know me because your NEW


tlp is a joke of a clan tbh


I heard your a phaggot

You're And sadly I herd nothing about you... Who are you again?

soz you wouldn't know me because your NEW

Heard* Creamy* since we're correcting grammar

Lol yeah everyone's a no namer to this guy since we didn't join in this pserver foe era, hah.

Gj dude tlp sux lol! #owned #shitclan #foeAppsOpen #nonamers


I heard your a phaggot

You're And sadly I herd nothing about you... Who are you again?

soz you wouldn't know me because your NEW

Heard* Creamy* since we're correcting grammar

Lol yeah everyone's a no namer to this guy since we didn't join in this pserver foe era, hah.

Gj dude tlp sux lol! #owned #shitclan #foeAppsOpen #nonamers


I was foe on rs. Lurked forums around 08 joined 09.

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