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Noice mate Veta , that would be mostly lean at that rate.


Thanks still pretty skinny to be honest. 6'3 175 lbs. should I try to bulk or just continue eating normally and continue with my routine lifting?


Dafuq rofl, essentially the same as me. I was 159 end of September, sitting at 172 now.


skated 8km this weekend, what a leg workout, god damn.

we get so many threads on here where people list their various workout programs, or, where they complain that a certain bodypart is not growing and then list their current program and rep and set configurations......

fine.....but I love when people use expressions like: " I throw in a couple of sets of lateral raises", for example, and then wonder why their lateral delts are not growing.

or better yet, so clean and neat: " I do 3 sets of this, and 3 sets of that " etc., as If it were a homework assignment!

here is an interesting quote from WIKIPEDIA on Training:

Originally Posted by from WiKipedia

Training differs from exercise in that people may dabble in exercise as an occasional activity for fun. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, and performance.

the first thing I highlighted was SPECIFIC GOALS: just what ARE your goals?? to get bigger, regardless of stronger, to get stronger, regardless of bigger, to get defined, regardless of size, to get bigger AND defined...etc......

I also highlighted CAPACITY: Training involves improving or increasing capacity.

meaning: if you are doing a neat little tidy program, where you "throw in " 3 sets of lateral raises, then what makes you think they are ever going to grow...

why should they??? what is the impetus, what is the forcing issue that makes the body WANT to prioritize them?

(please, keep in mind, that I am just using one muscle as an example)

So: with that in mind, why couldn't you do 5 sets, or 6 sets or whatever, in this case, of the lateral raises....or, why couldn't you do a pyramid styled workout similar to what you might do in benching.....

if you want a bigger chest, do you "throw in" 3 sets of benches for 8 sets each??? The guys who have built some really truly deep and big chests have POUNDED THE LIVING ****E OUT OF THEM with benching, earlier on, or still now.....

what makes people think that only works for one particular exercise??

My point, and it just comes around to an old rant of mine, resurrected again, is that once you start thinking in terms of a regimented written down, cross off the list, check off the boxes approach to bodybuilding, you are already self limiting yourself, and holding yourself back....

if you are TRAINING, then you are out to also improve your capacity, and for one workout, or several workouts, that might mean simply doing more of something else....and why?? for no other reason than 3 sets might simply NOT be enough to stimulate a weak bodypart......

a variation of this is when people will come on here and say: " give me another exercise for lateral delts, because I already did 3 sets of those".....

but I say: If you are getting a GREAT mind muscle connection with that movement, why move on to anything else??? instead of trying something else, which may not really hit that bodypart as well FOR YOU, why not simply DO MORE of what is working well for your body......

but if you are going to say " but I have already done what I was SUPPOSED to do in the workout plan", then forget about it, because in that case, I would have to say F@#$ the plan and F@#$ the horse it rode in on!


don't worry if you "Leave out" something else that was "planned"...so what??

what would you rather do, some meaningless and pointless exhausted sets of whatever, at the end of a workout, or more sets of a movement where YOU ARE COOKING??!!

never be a slave to a written routine.....your body will tell you, every workout, what the routine should be.....

if you are simply NOT connecting to a certain exercise on a given night, then by all means, don't beat a dead horse and move on, but conversely, don't leave it if you are grooving on it.....

and don't worry about doing more sets than you were supposed to at the end, because, as I said, if we are "TRAINING" we are looking to increase some sort of capacity somewhere along the line at all times.....

going back to the Wikipedia quote: don't "DABBLE"....don't do 3 sets of everything all neat and pretty....do what you HAVE TO DO to get the job done......improve your capability and capacity and performance....in a word: TRAIN!!!!!!

Q: Should I use a full body routine or a split routine?

A: Generally speaking, new lifters can benefit more from a full-body routine done multiple times per week, and based around compound movements. Advanced lifters, who have the strength, intensity, and mind-muscle connection to handle higher workloads need more recovery time and so will benefit from a multi-day split. Try this as a starting point:

0-18 months lifting: Full-body routine done 3 times per week based around compound movements.

18-36 months lifting: Upper Body / Lower Body or Push / Pull split done twice per week (4 lifting days)

36+ months lifting: 3 or 4 day split routine

Might go back to doing some full bodys. Not noticed much gains and my strength is incredibly low.

Posted (edited)

14 years natty o lord, brb jumping on roids. Edited by Tris

motivational video. What he said is true though, it is funny how when you start you think its a 1 year thing. It's funny now listening to my friends who are starting out that say things like "give me 6 months, i'll be ripped". Bodybuilding is definatly the most long term sport and you have to enjoy it to be good at it. If you genuinely enjoy it, it puts you at an advantage over 90% of guys who do it as a chore, to get that 10/10 body everyone wants.


Feel sorry for that guy

You see him posing and his chest and everything looks ace, but you see the size of his arms and they look small compared to the rest of him

It puts it into perspective how much roids really help


much respect to him, good inspiration for every natty bb'r

ps delta i feel sorry for u man


Why do you feel sorry for me lol


im not gonna bother answering that since i dont want u to feel bad about urself


Feel sorry for that guy

You see him posing and his chest and everything looks ace, but you see the size of his arms and they look small compared to the rest of him

It puts it into perspective how much roids really help

wait, roids only help for building arms?


Feel sorry for that guy

You see him posing and his chest and everything looks ace, but you see the size of his arms and they look small compared to the rest of him

It puts it into perspective how much roids really help

wait, roids only help for building arms?

Technicality site/spot injections will help a specific area more lol.

And no however if you look at the geezer, his chest looks well defined and in my opinion big. Whereas his arms looked no bigger then peoples on this forum. What i was saying is that if you then look at people who compete who are users, their chest/back/legs//shoulders etc will be bigger, however the difference in size of the arms is much greater.

And triko a person on the internet judging me really wont put me down rofl


Feel sorry for that guy

You see him posing and his chest and everything looks ace, but you see the size of his arms and they look small compared to the rest of him

It puts it into perspective how much roids really help

wait, roids only help for building arms?

Technicality site/spot injections will help a specific area more lol.

And no however if you look at the geezer, his chest looks well defined and in my opinion big. Whereas his arms looked no bigger then peoples on this forum. What i was saying is that if you then look at people who compete who are users, their chest/back/legs//shoulders etc will be bigger, however the difference in size of the arms is much greater.

And triko a person on the internet judging me really wont put me down rofl

his arms look proportional to the rest of his body to me...?

also delta, progress pics?


You wish you were from Fiji joe you wanker mate@@@@@


catchy title

i kno rite


i dont wanna be a zyzz fanboy here but i love this quote



I'm starting Creatine Hydrochloride on Monday. Any of you tried it for yourselves yet. From I know and have been told, less water retention and less bloating which are for sure massive plus'. I think I'll be taking it for 2 months and re-evaluating after that. Gonna start cutting in April so I look cute and pretty for May.


nigga i dont lift im a fatboy 120kg umad


I'm starting Creatine Hydrochloride on Monday. Any of you tried it for yourselves yet. From I know and have been told, less water retention and less bloating which are for sure massive plus'. I think I'll be taking it for 2 months and re-evaluating after that. Gonna start cutting in April so I look cute and pretty for May.

u need less than a month to cut for summer? current bf / goal?

i remember when i first used creatine i was like omfg im bloated omfg not going out tonight looking like a moonfaced cunt. not even once

i only use creatine during pct and i'm still pretty sure the bloat is placebo / other substances.

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