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ffs at spec?


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So over the past week my maul, dbow, morrg's etc. etc. Have all failed me. I mean, on 1 targ I managed to hit 3-0-10 with maul. Honestly? Why. WHY WHY WHY has this game forsaken me >.> Just curious if anyone has had those weeks where EVERYTHING goes wrong in their pk trips :P


Yeah dude ive dropped lvl 90's wearing rune with gmaul spec before and now there ppl in robes i go all 0's on... im like wtf.. but ranging seems to be hitting really good lately so it works out =p


yeah, my pure was P Oi S O N

50 attack 1 pray, 90 str, 94 range, 86 hp at 66 combat

i would absolutely WRECK kids with range, but my maul would absolutely ruin it.

would always be like a 7-4-9 spec or something

makes me want to off myself.


makes me kinda wanna cry ='[


use 31+34 prayer and make sure u re-pot before u g maul spec. if u do this u can maul kids at full hp and still down them.


use 31+34 prayer and make sure u re-pot before u g maul spec. if u do this u can maul kids at full hp and still down them.

LAIR, you dont even have 50attack anymore! u can't use g maul now!

I dont have bad pking normally just random long times of no loot.


Just unlucky dude, you have good days and you have bad days.


Yeh ive been hitting shit lately aswell, dunno if theyve patched anything.


This Week my mage hasnt been hitting on full runee so annyoing.


yea, i've decided to take about a week break from pking to get 82 mage and the requirements to apply for foe :P


Ye, i decided MSB is the best KO weapon. :)


lol msb is truly underestimated :P It's pretty pro if used right


Ye, last time i pk'd with just Msb.. i killed 4/5 kids with it.


fuck people up with claws :)


Eh, not to hate on clawers but. It honestly takes NO skill to claw a pure. IF you're 80+ str with claws it's hard to fail :s


Eh, not to hate on clawers but. It honestly takes NO skill to claw a pure. IF you're 80+ str with claws it's hard to fail :s

why take chances to fail then? claws ftw :)


Maybe Fagex wants you to stop pking =]


ouch =[ anywho. anyone feel free to hit me up in rs :P im currently alching and aviansies til 90 rng 82 mage


Msb isnt under rated :O , everyone used that before eagle eye and cbows. I ended up ruining my mauler this week cause of bad luck, since my range sucked i had no ko method :(


when i start hiting very bad :D i go fishing or training mage :D

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