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hi guys im having trouble connecting too. foe.ts3pro.com in team speak it keeps saying blacklisted.

ive deleted it and downloaded it again still wont work, so can some give me the otherway too get on it :example: 888-777-14-4 or something

Posted (edited)

are you on a vpn? thats probably why

or are you using library internet or whatever

Edited by Diizzy

this happened awhile ago but some gave me the otherway too get in then it worked fine

so i just need too get the stright server adress or something


I'm not smart with this kinda stuff :O


um just try to get the numbers from someone maybe it will work.


just keep trying to connect its done that to me a few times.


are you on a vpn? thats probably why

or are you using library internet or whatever

na im on a vpn right now n its fine.

close teamspeak and re-open it. should be fine then.


sometimes that blacklist stuff happens to me

but then i just reload it and its fine :S


still not working -.-


i think mine is broken :(


do you have it bookmarked or do you have it set as the connect when you open ts?


yea i got it bookmarked


Just harass Sefket till he fixes it.


Just harass Sefket till he fixes it.

i would agree if sefkitten owned the teamspeak

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