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Pk Frum He11 PvP Vid 1


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:Hi: Not amazing...pretty average tbh, but I thought it was worth uploading. Didn't spend a lot of time on it, so don't flame  :ph43r:. Comment/rate/constructive criticism please.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

^That's the link, tired of waiting for it to finish processing and need sleep. There should be HD. I'll fix up any issues with it after I get home from school tomorrow, enjoy.  B)


nty :( F2P = boring.


Didn't really like it. The f2p was just extremely boring, and you zoomed in on 100k loot. >.<


I like f2p pking thats why I enjoyed the vid :). Whats your cmb, pm me in irc if u wanna dm me once(im 63 cmb). Btw you should train ur str up for higher ko's.


69 cb, 89 range 85 mage 79 hp 60 att 75 str  :(

Y4nk33 D33s

f2p vids are boring, but not bad


woooooo! smexy!

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