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lee sin probs my fav jungler atm highly recommend best champ ever designed


Nice name farmoil lol

Won my 5th placement, noticed I get like gold players against me when I duoq so ill just solo placements since its relatively easy


keep winning em brother


lee sin probs my fav jungler atm highly recommend best champ ever designed

i ban him in solo queue jus because hes so stupidly easy to play like vayne and snowballs hard 


Yeah playing solo in placements gives me shittier teammates and opponents which makes it easier to carry.


3wins 3losses atm, 4 more



lee sin probs my fav jungler atm highly recommend best champ ever designed

i ban him in solo queue jus because hes so stupidly easy to play like vayne and snowballs hard 


you make me want to cry andrew.. you play malz and other shit how do you talk about easy to play >.> 


I'm pretty sure lee sin requires the most mechanical skill out of all champs


got a new mouse and keyboard, holy fuck this is going to be hard lol.. new mouse a lot heavier and keyboard is soo much different :S




4 out of 5 games won whist playing solo, the carry is real.


7 games played now, got raped hard in both games I played with a friend.


Hoping to get 6 wins out of 10 in placements, lets see how the last 3 games go.


kk name change done now to main lee sin until im better than insec rof







hahah i remember your first jungle game u died 3 times to red buff



kk name change done now to main lee sin until im better than insec rof







hahah i remember your first jungle game u died 3 times to red buff


LOL you and dean made me wanna cry when that happened




was honestly expecting b4/5 so this was a pleasant surprise.


grats i guess insec :>




was honestly expecting b4/5 so this was a pleasant surprise.


What was ur W/L in placements.


I got bronze 4 from my placements lennu lol


and u shudda called urself Dodge my Q farmoil


Alrighty lads 6/3 w/l now in placements, the final and deciding game. I think if I win I might make it to Silver 5 dunno lets see.




strong wtf


how is this possible i went 6/4


I did win 5 in a row if that had something to do with it.


I did win 5 in a row if that had something to do with it.

Ya it also takes it in who you played vs/kda. Nice I got placed s3 too.


@Andrew Lee Sin has the highest skill cap l0l how is he easy


Syndra has highest  skill cap imo


syndra's fucking op. hate laning against her.


Syndra has highest  skill cap imo

Ya forgot bout Syndra but Lee Sin def isn't easy as andrew says


I've played league for like a week now. I'm improving quickly I would say. Just played my best game so far on normals with Riven. We did lose and as you can see we unfortunately played shorthanded all game long. Good effort though, but wasn't quite enough.




Would be nice to hear some tips or constructive criticism so I can improve :)

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