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Jax is even stronger with those new masteries, jesus christ 


too bad league sucks now


too bad league sucks now

5xuoD.jpgyeah targons sucks!!11 rip leg of ledgungs


was wondering where u went lennu 


just didnt play at all after season ended for some reason, startin to play a bit more now



got nasus double kill in the first 5 minutes and got him doubles from fiddle


was ez


fukin afkers every game 


forgot how lame soloq is lol



too bad league sucks now

5xuoD.jpgyeah targons sucks!!11 rip leg of ledgungs


rip 2018-2002 GONE 3 SOON




too bad league sucks now

5xuoD.jpgyeah targons sucks!!11 rip leg of ledgungs


rip 2018-2002 GONE 3 SOON


pls leave the boards





too bad league sucks now

5xuoD.jpgyeah targons sucks!!11 rip leg of ledgungs


rip 2018-2002 GONE 3 SOON


pls leave the boards


long hair dont care






too bad league sucks now

5xuoD.jpgyeah targons sucks!!11 rip leg of ledgungs


rip 2018-2002 GONE 3 SOON


pls leave the boards


long hair dont care




fps back down to 12, using the gamebooster shit and nothing works anymore fukkkkkkkkkkkk


i fukin hate this game sometimes.


fps back down to 12, using the gamebooster shit and nothing works anymore fukkkkkkkkkkkk


i fukin hate this game sometimes.

reboot your computer you obv fucked it up with downloads



fps back down to 12, using the gamebooster shit and nothing works anymore fukkkkkkkkkkkk


i fukin hate this game sometimes.

reboot your computer you obv fucked it up with downloads



I tried that too and nothing changed


Other games run at stable 60+fps but fuckin league is at 12 fps


rito pls


googled some shit and apparently lots of people have the same problems with fps after 3.14 patch


i rly hope riot fixes it somehow cos this is annoying as


i always play with fps problems.


a third of my deaths are probably while lagging, not necessarily all DUE to lag tho hue


4 wins 1 loss today not bad !!!



Gragas new upcoming op jungler, fastest clear out of all junglers because his e now doesn't do split dmg so he just melts camps

His e nerf is noticeable when roaming but is super strong when you hit it, still think hes a good champ


had gragas jungle play with me the other day and he didnt gank so NO ur wrong


first game of the day won


played ezreal vs draven.... hardest counter to ez, and his name was "ibest draven euw" or something




whats the fuss about nasus?


99% of games i get with a nasus, he loses lane, is underfed, doesn't get q stacks and does nothing to influence the game.


i now ban nasus to stop having shit kids on my team play him, not because op >.>


Hes an absolute beast.


Just people who dno how to play him now realise he is OP and is shit


delta where r u

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