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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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only reason I'm saying it is because you are trying to criticize him on a build which is perfectly fine so stop being a faggot


edit: done tryin to argue with you koray because I feel like I'm losing braincells!! 



on other topics, I swear riot said they were improving euw server stability?? 


edit2: pretty annoying when you finally get time to just relax and play and servers are lagging like shit qq

They're building a whole new data center in amsterdam. That's about the only thing they can do atm. The server problems are not on Riots end, it's that's the ISP they have a contract with that can't handle all the traffic. They never expected LoL to get as big as it did. Sucks but you gotta understand EUW is the biggest region and the amount of ppl on at peak team overwhelms the servers. The new data centers supposed to be done like first quarter of 2014


only one thing is more of a joke then euw servers koray, and thats you.



rofl thought of that on spot can I get some high 5's or somet



koray i tried out gloves a few games after, but i like to just get triforce instead


only one thing is more of a joke then euw servers koray, and thats you.



rofl thought of that on spot can I get some high 5's or somet



koray i tried out gloves a few games after, but i like to just get triforce instead

gloves work well vs high mobility champs lik. Riven or if your doing really well in lane and want to insta kill him every time he overextends

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Posted (edited)



only one thing is more of a joke then euw servers koray, and thats you.



rofl thought of that on spot can I get some high 5's or somet



koray i tried out gloves a few games after, but i like to just get triforce instead

gloves work well vs high mobility champs lik. Riven or if your doing really well in lane and want to insta kill him every time he overextends


i would rush mobi's as soon as i backed, didnt really have any problems with cc

tbh its up the the person they're laning against if we're even gonna kill them


ei trying to gank a fiora's lane


lucky if we even take his flash


edit: yes im looking at you frederick 

Edited by Andrew
Posted (edited)

you don't gank a fiora.


you gank a fiora, then realise she's 3 level ahead of the champ she's laning versus with 80 more cs, has been back and has a hydra and ninja tabi at 9 minutes. you gank level 5 and realise that her level 8 self with ult will shred both of you to pieces and you stay in the jungle.


you come back 5 minutes later level 9 thinking things might go better since you're tankier, but oh boy udyr you're wrong. Fiora is now level 11 with level 2 ult and a last whisper added to her armoury. you rush in thinking all will be well but quickly realise (as your screen goes grey) that was not the right idea.


Fiora is now 6/0/0 with 220 cs and double buff at 14 minutes, and you realise quickly you should never have doubted her.



(my guide to playing fiora vs gangplank rengar jayce aatrox yi and many more)

Edited by My Gwas

if I wanted to tryhard would just master riven and rengar and climb elo but I get bored of champs 2 easily


rivens so easy to play well lol.


played riven for first time in like 8 months in a 1 for all game, ended up going 22/2 or something stupid.


if I wanted to tryhard would just master riven and rengar and climb elo but I get bored of champs 2 easily

easier said than done ive played both quite alot and you get countered alot so you cant steamroll your lane


Fuk wanted to play some league today but ranked down again what a surprise



 220 cs at 14 minutes


seems legit




 220 cs at 14 minutes


seems legit


is that even possible in a custom game

Posted (edited)

rofl thats what i thought.


This is why no1 belives mygwas when he talks about his irl on tbff or posts here




max cs at 14 mins is 177



maybe 120 cs


edit: nvm was only a guide not an actual game he was stating

Edited by DeltaPapa

if I wanted to tryhard would just master riven and rengar and climb elo but I get bored of champs 2 easily

easier said than done ive played both quite alot and you get countered alot so you cant steamroll your lane

Thats why I say master, people like boxbox and ninfang dont lose lane because of "counters". They play the champ so much they know exactly how to play out lanes


who remembers when mygwas got a pentakill from 1 axe throw on his olaf


rofl thats what i thought.


This is why no1 belives mygwas when he talks about his irl on tbff or posts here




max cs at 14 mins is 177



maybe 120 cs


edit: nvm was only a guide not an actual game he was stating

its still possible. max cs only accounts for minions in lane. you can still get that if you farm jungle creeps and possibly other lanes as well. froggen got 300 @ 20


Yeah he was mid lane with an afk jungler = 7 extra creeps every minute + taking enemy wraiths = 11 extra cs every min,


Top lane all you have is golems which is 2 cs every min. So an added max 28 cs still doesnt give 220.


And running down to mid lane to take cs will also make you miss top lane cs.



Nigga pls


Yeah he was mid lane with an afk jungler = 7 extra creeps every minute + taking enemy wraiths = 11 extra cs every min,


Top lane all you have is golems which is 2 cs every min. So an added max 28 cs still doesnt give 220.


And running down to mid lane to take cs will also make you miss top lane cs.



Nigga pls

still gonna say its possible.


leona is strongest supp out right now




feat 1v1 ashe


2 games 2 losses.


first game i lost lane horribly to a shyv w/ renekton. don't know her abilities so i couldnt really trade with her safely. my fault really


second game played jinx. got poked hard in lane but a draven/yorick (lol) but jungler ganked a lot. however tf wen 1/9 in the first 15 minutes. so did garen.

end of the game i was the only one on my team with a positive kda.


try again tomorrow.


maybe you should go mid and get 220 cs at 14 mins instead


maybe you should go mid and get 220 cs at 14 mins instead

I saw tsm bjerg was 312 cs in 25 MIN with oriana which was impressive he was farming wolves and wreaths

ok so i thought i would stay and try and win one game today.


support sona.

ashe doesnt know how to ult, so i have to engage everything. rambo yi jungle who ults in 1v5 and then complains we didnt help because we were way behind him.


ashe adc

have an amazing support, but i keep getting poked outta lane by an ezreal morgana. neverrtheless im down a lot of cs but up one kill thanks to an amazing play by my support

then it all goes downhill.

lb's 0/3 and decides to roam bot to dive the ezreal and morgana. i kill morgana but flash away from ezreal to avoid death from the tower. meanwhile thresh and lb go at him. 

thresh accidentally takes the kill. then this spanish shitcunt says: "gg ks, i feed." and proceeds to go 0/10 to an already snowballing fizz. over one kill. one. after he's done feeding he afks.


can't carry these kinds of games man... granted the first game i made mistakes that i knew i shouldnt have but what the fuck am i supposed to do in a 4v5 vs a fed fizz.

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