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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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ok so i thought i would stay and try and win one game today.


support sona.

ashe doesnt know how to ult, so i have to engage everything. rambo yi jungle who ults in 1v5 and then complains we didnt help because we were way behind him.


ashe adc

have an amazing support, but i keep getting poked outta lane by an ezreal morgana. neverrtheless im down a lot of cs but up one kill thanks to an amazing play by my support

then it all goes downhill.

lb's 0/3 and decides to roam bot to dive the ezreal and morgana. i kill morgana but flash away from ezreal to avoid death from the tower. meanwhile thresh and lb go at him. 

thresh accidentally takes the kill. then this spanish shitcunt says: "gg ks, i feed." and proceeds to go 0/10 to an already snowballing fizz. over one kill. one. after he's done feeding he afks.


can't carry these kinds of games man... granted the first game i made mistakes that i knew i shouldnt have but what the fuck am i supposed to do in a 4v5 vs a fed fizz.

don't stress season is nearlly reset


maybe you should go mid and get 220 cs at 14 mins instead

I saw tsm bjerg was 312 cs in 25 MIN with oriana which was impressive he was farming wolves and wreaths


Is wreaths some new christmas update to summoners rift? Or like he went house to house slaying wreaths?


cant wait for reset


will be a true display of skill


can we do a 5v5 na vs eu please? like properly organised this time?

who is down


mundo is stupidly strong right now rofl




Sever problems for the 5v5 doe


one side will always be at a disadvantage


us coz we got insec


Rofl ^

Also about accs etc


rofl thats what i thought.


This is why no1 belives mygwas when he talks about his irl on tbff or posts here




max cs at 14 mins is 177



maybe 120 cs


edit: nvm was only a guide not an actual game he was stating


it was a fictional scenario lol...


quadra with taric ranked... was so close to penta TT


farmoil invited 2 random ppl in our team on ts lols




na vs eu sounds fun but many wouldnt have full rune pages so it would be laaaaame


Ya we wud both have to start fresh lvl 1s but everyone is used to their dmg with runes


So people will be missing a lot of cs and underestimate their dmg


farmoil invited 2 random ppl in our team on ts lols



josh did you rape them 


farmoil invited 2 random ppl in our team on ts lols


josh did you rape them

Lol me and delta duo Q and asked if they wanted to come on ts, lol its soo good because people dont rage over mic and play as a actual team lol

Stomped 1st game then 2nd we kinda came back into it D:


We just did jinx/taric bot which is fkin broken, like 3 sec stun from taric stun and jinx snare under them lol


except we never actually pulled it off


Not in second game cus thresh lanterned out vayne but it worked first game idiet


morg black shielded idiet


Yeah also jinx/zyra prenerf was annoying as FUCK. rooted then jinx zap then those little chompers rip 3/4 hp bar


3 loss 1 win. :DDDD

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