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nidalee kayle ezreal jinx fizz gangplank taric are the only champs i like playing atm.


can play any and carry (except taric)


In bronze so many people disregard the need for flash rofl.

Delta be on @ 11 ok pusc




was at poker and feelin tired so i got a pint of coke. I then went out the next hand so im fkin wide awake



  • Thursday - EU LCS - 10:00AM PST / 19:00 CET
  • Friday - EU LCS - 10:00AM PST / 19:00 CET
  • Saturday - NA LCS - 12:00PM PST / 21:00 CET
  • Sunday - NA LCS - 12:00PM PST / 21:00 CET

thank god



  • Thursday - EU LCS - 10:00AM PST / 19:00 CET
  • Friday - EU LCS - 10:00AM PST / 19:00 CET
  • Saturday - NA LCS - 12:00PM PST / 21:00 CET
  • Sunday - NA LCS - 12:00PM PST / 21:00 CET

thank god


wow fml im on a cruise to sweden those days... wud rather watch lcs.




support so easy




Very strong team.Not sure about the support though, never heard of him.


NA.EG dont look as strong imo

Posted (edited)

In champ select. Do my usual bans which doesn't include the staple bronze bans of shen and blitz. 

Blitz gets picked.

team flames me for not banning blitz and shen. "so idiot all scars"


Edited by Insecurities

i dont get how ur not silver yet


dnt be an idiot then




ty skid for the carry. i did alright that game too. 7 or 8/1 rene.


yeah you played well, I thought you were good that's why I was surprised you were in bronze still


yeah you played well, I thought you were good that's why I was surprised you were in bronze still

i have bad decision making, which leads to me throwing a lot. also recently ive started roaming a lot more when im ahead in lane. before i would literally just stay top all day and splitpush.


Staying top and dominating your lane ftw


Staying top and dominating your lane ftw

not being present in teamfights op yh.


Who has team fights before 20 mins in. Its B/S/G, no one is fighting for drake.


tbh i still panic when enemy team picks blitzcrank cuz at 40min in you cinda want nobody to get hooked in a stronger enemy team with baron buff unless its a renekton or malphite, becuz it will always be a bad fight 


the baron smites omfg.


nidalee kayle ezreal jinx fizz gangplank taric are the only champs i like playing atm.


can play any and carry (except taric)

sorry, taric is mine ;)


Blitz ban is essential in Bronze. The amount of times the enemy team picks blitz, and my bot lane doesn't know how to avoid his hooks and go 0/8.


i wonder if you will go back to bronze when season 4 starts fred

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