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I played yasuo a couple games on PBE and he doesn't even seem strong why is everyone saying he is?

he's very high skill cap I don't think your suitable candidate to dominate with him.

I hear he's earlly game is weak with low base ad and squishy stats but I with a malphite jungle he's fuk shiit up

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Farm oils its like you don't even read my life stories in tbff. Travelling home tonight. Stag party Saturday so will probably be on Sunday at latest!

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support gets so rich now, look at that gold lmao

this game could have gone either way up to about 25~ mins but we (I) made some plays and got the ace + baron to dominate for the last 10 mins


probly gonna try main this for now, I didn't realise how easy a support can win a lane

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I played yasuo a couple games on PBE and he doesn't even seem strong why is everyone saying he is?

he's very high skill cap I don't think your suitable candidate to dominate with him.

I hear he's earlly game is weak with low base ad and squishy stats but I with a malphite jungle he's fuk shiit up


Rofl bro pls stfu you're like plat and talk to everyone like you're massive.. you don't see one flame doing that. How the fuk is he any harder than like Lee.. Trust me his e can only jump to same targets once every 10 secs with little damage, his w is just a shield/barrier thing, his q is basically a basic attack that you need to hit three times before they run to get a knock up and ult. His ults like a fiora ult except can only be used when they're knocked up

Edited by Wrecka
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Dont listen to korasi lol.. hes plat after like 600 rank games this season its ok

On other topic, khaz jungle super fun and mundo with new hp masteries is stupid fuckin op.. one flame do you still play ranked and whats your lp

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He just always tryna put ppl down like he's some god lol 


Yeah I used to always play kha in the jungle, fun as fuck. I haven't been able to play so I haven't tried mundo but I will soon

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I played yasuo a couple games on PBE and he doesn't even seem strong why is everyone saying he is?

he's very high skill cap I don't think your suitable candidate to dominate with him.

I hear he's earlly game is weak with low base ad and squishy stats but I with a malphite jungle he's fuk shiit up


Rofl bro pls stfu you're like plat and talk to everyone like you're massive.. you don't see one flame doing that. How the fuk is he any harder than like Lee.. Trust me his e can only jump to same targets once every 10 secs with little damage, his w is just a shield/barrier thing, his q is basically a basic attack that you need to hit three times before they run to get a knock up and ult. His ults like a fiora ult except can only be used when they're knocked up



I was playing vs him earlier his E can jump more than once if I remember correct, but the damage is minimal, I agree he's pretty weak though

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i havent played ranked since preseason started


im at 18 lp :( i was at 42 in my prime though thats pretty exciting


i might start playing soon because im pretty much used to the changes now, but probs not until finals are over next week

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about that Yasuo, just seen him fed late game, its pretty nasty, the guy had about 355 ad and was pretty hard to stop cause he's so mobile, reminds me of a fiora with cc

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I played yasuo a couple games on PBE and he doesn't even seem strong why is everyone saying he is?

he's very high skill cap I don't think your suitable candidate to dominate with him.

I hear he's earlly game is weak with low base ad and squishy stats but I with a malphite jungle he's fuk shiit up


Rofl bro pls stfu you're like plat and talk to everyone like you're massive.. you don't see one flame doing that. How the fuk is he any harder than like Lee.. Trust me his e can only jump to same targets once every 10 secs with little damage, his w is just a shield/barrier thing, his q is basically a basic attack that you need to hit three times before they run to get a knock up and ult. His ults like a fiora ult except can only be used when they're knocked up



I was playing vs him earlier his E can jump more than once if I remember correct, but the damage is minimal, I agree he's pretty weak though


Well in pbe it said he can only jump to the same target once every 10 seconds but he can jump to multiple ones


Well yeah any champ that gets fed late is strong, like a riven lee lb jax zed are all monsters since they can escape so ez

Edited by Wrecka
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I played yasuo a couple games on PBE and he doesn't even seem strong why is everyone saying he is?

he's very high skill cap I don't think your suitable candidate to dominate with him.

I hear he's earlly game is weak with low base ad and squishy stats but I with a malphite jungle he's fuk shiit up

Rofl bro pls stfu you're like plat and talk to everyone like you're massive.. you don't see one flame doing that. How the fuk is he any harder than like Lee.. Trust me his e can only jump to same targets once every 10 secs with little damage, his w is just a shield/barrier thing, his q is basically a basic attack that you need to hit three times before they run to get a knock up and ult. His ults like a fiora ult except can only be used when they're knocked up


I was playing vs him earlier his E can jump more than once if I remember correct, but the damage is minimal, I agree he's pretty weak though

Well in pbe it said he can only jump to the same target once every 10 seconds but he can jump to multiple ones


Well yeah any champ that gets fed late is strong, like a riven lee lb jax zed are all monsters since they can escape so ez

why are you so upset by my opinion I prob can't wreck with him either since we have not had enough time to learn the champions limits and mechanics but if you give the champion to a mechanical player like bjergsen he's going to dominate yes my comment was harsh soz also josh stfu you max slow on Khaz lelelele
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