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no promos today :( 


It's ok you got a while to get it!


Liking adc again, ive jungled way too long lol


ad is shit, just get dived with tanky top laners and assassins 


hate playing it now lol


adc is easily my worst position but i feel as if its because there are soooo (oooo........) many factors to take into account (and opportunities) for outplay and i just cant handle them all


adc is easily my worst position but i feel as if its because there are soooo (oooo........) many factors to take into account (and opportunities) for outplay and i just cant handle them all

i wqas thinking the same today cause i played a lot of ad/support today, and i was just thinking because its a 2v2 lane theres so much more to think about.


adc are just hard to position in teamfights with so much blow ups comming your way


I mained ADC from level 20-30 then did placements with it, got silver 3 then I got tired of getting wrekt by junglers/top laners diving me so I picked up jungle. Been jungling ever since cause it's so fun being the one camping


I still like adc but I'm going to wait till the hp mastery gets nerfed so it's playable again because atm it's so nasty 


I mained ADC from level 20-30 then did placements with it, got silver 3 then I got tired of getting wrekt by junglers/top laners diving me so I picked up jungle. Been jungling ever since cause it's so fun being the one camping



I got silver 3 too in placements by spamming caitlyn, stopped playin adc because its stressfull as fuck in ranked, started jungling and still main jungle.


Similar as fuck


and btw i hate adcs again, hp tank/life regen meta with new masteries is annoying as fuck to play on with adc.


Full rune page for jungle/mid/top pls :D





and btw farmoil u suck :D


AD Page - AD Marks/Quints, Armour yellows, Magic resist blues

AP - Mpen marks, ap quints, armour yellows, Mr blues


i really really need to sort out my rune pages.


i have 5 and only 1 of them is actually efficient and thats the support page


I made a god level play the qss timing was perfect for the jax stun than accidently put down a ward making jax w it instead of me for the escape after getting a tripple with riven also my multi was up and are wriaths where warded fired it taking there 5th player very low I need lolrecorder again


accidently put down a ward making jax w it instead of me 



so you're saying you got lucky lmao.


tsm rekt ld.


ld got rektd


and dyrus didnt feed top(bot) first blood wtf Kappa


ld got rektd


and dyrus didnt feed top(bot) first blood wtf Kappa


its cos dyrus got heavily camped last season, now that bjergsens a bigger threat in mid it gives dyrus more room. Just my opinion but yeah


But ye tsm destroyed em


probs coz ld are a brand new team


TSM wasn't good, just capatlized on other team mistakes eg. not sending anyone top to help defend turrets


agree with deltz.

pretty much all about experience with 2v1 lanes that first game, and about map control second game. ld aint experienced. 

still, im excited about the new tsm, hopefully they can keep this up against the better teams.


ew tsm played 2nd game nasty hope they do better in future :C


"it was a great 4v4 game." -dyrus.


i love dyrus...


omfg guys look at the reddit tsm vs ld discussion thread. imsofresh getting soooo much hate :DDDDDD


Voyboy turned 19 today


wtf. Thought he was older. That beard at 19 <3

Posted (edited)

Voyboy turned 19 today


wtf. Thought he was older. That beard at 19 <3

wow and he;s banging pooksie too....




look at my score. twitch is the most underrated adc honestly. so easy to teamfight because of the ult range.

only game ill play tonight. tomorrow lets hope for a promo.

Edited by Insecurities

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