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 I'm feeling silver 2/3 at the end of season 4.






2nd promos lost 

duo wiv me


im so weak cant carry anything


im so weak cant carry anything

not as weak as my ad holy shit today i realized just how bad of an ad i am.


All my promos lost because of afkers on my team.


I just thought that might as well not care about losing etc and just have fun but it really is hard when all I do is play 4v5 games like every second game.


All my promos lost because of afkers on my team.


I just thought that might as well not care about losing etc and just have fun but it really is hard when all I do is play 4v5 games like every second game.

u on euw?

Posted (edited)

coulda won the game, instead sivir greeds for the penta and gets killed herself while i try and push the nexus turrets. with sivir dead i cant end the game.

team blames me for pushing towers instead of helping sivir get the penta.

we inevitably lose because other than the clean up quadra this sivir was trash.

Edited by Insecurities


The struggle is real


O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl


Getting used to playing gragas


"I'll drink you under the table scrub"


everyone is so negative today


Worth buying syndra?? she has a good kit but idk.......what do u guys think?

Posted (edited)

k im maining jax. teamfight beast.\

thank you for showing me the way deltz

Edited by Insecurities

Riven.... Pls nerf






O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl

and we're always here for you



rest your face in my bosom fellow bronzie


back2back 4v5 first support, then jungler in ranked.


i am done


gragas, the fat man


best champ so fun


back2back 4v5 first support, then jungler in ranked.


i am done



O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl

and we're always here for you



rest your face in my bosom fellow bronzie

Nigga im silver




O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl

and we're always here for you



rest your face in my bosom fellow bronzie

Nigga im silver


theres a difference rofl?

Posted (edited)




O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl

and we're always here for you



rest your face in my bosom fellow bronzie

Nigga im silver


theres a difference rofl?



Edited by Wrecka





O man havin a bad day in ranked today, lots of afkers and braindead teammates.


Last game our fed as fuck caitlyn kept farming wraiths n shit when we kept losing tower after tower in mid.


We ace them at one point and coulda pushed towers easily with caitlyn but guess what shes farming wolves.


ps. this topic is starting to turn into a rant/complaining topic on how shitty soloq is rofl

and we're always here for you



rest your face in my bosom fellow bronzie

Nigga im silver


theres a difference rofl?






Riven.... Pls nerf





  • Broken Wings [ Q ] - 1st and 2nd Use: Now deals 10/30/50/70/90 damage (down from 30/55/80/105/130 compared to last PBE patch)
  • Broken Wings [ Q ] - 3rd Use: Now deals 10/30/50/70/90 damage (down from 30/55/80/105/130 compared to last PBE patch)
  • Broken Wings [ Q ] - All three uses now scale with 0.4 TOTAL AD (changed from 0.7BONUS AD )
  • Valor [ E ] - Damage blocking duration is now 1.5 seconds (down from 2.5 compared to last PBE patch)

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