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bronze 3 again, good fucking night.


bronze 3 again, good fucking night.



also cant wait for delta to get decent internet back nobody gud/fun 2 play with qqqqqqqqq


bronze 3 again, good fucking night.

:laugh: keep posting ur bronze struggles makes me feel alot better


also cant wait for delta to get decent internet back nobody gud/fun 2 play with qqqqqqqqq


pew pew



bronze 3 again, good fucking night.

:laugh: keep posting ur bronze struggles makes me feel alot better



idk why u went ranked immidietely, should have waited till your about the skill level you are now to do placements man


wut u talkin bout dizzy


This topic rly active now me likey

Hope I make it into s3 promos again today

Posted (edited)

fred have u tried tri on kayle seems like id be really good tbh


edit: w8 nvm just get lich

Edited by Andrew

andrew come on league bro


rofl insec


man u make me laugh


how hard is it to win a few games in a row


The loss streak continues. 


The idea of climbing feels so stupid for me at the moment because these afkers etc. don't just disappear in higher divisions


Time to start playing ranked again... road from gold 1 to plat begins 


The loss streak continues. 


The idea of climbing feels so stupid for me at the moment because these afkers etc. don't just disappear in higher divisions

are u playing carrying positions or supporting?


u can easily get someone snowballed and win a 4v5 if u jungle tbh

tho its really hard to 4v5 ur gonna see alot of that shit in bronze/silver might aswell get comfortable man and slip on your carrying slippers



The loss streak continues. 


The idea of climbing feels so stupid for me at the moment because these afkers etc. don't just disappear in higher divisions

are u playing carrying positions or supporting?


u can easily get someone snowballed and win a 4v5 if u jungle tbh

tho its really hard to 4v5 ur gonna see alot of that shit in bronze/silver might aswell get comfortable man and slip on your carrying slippers



I play jungle and adc


Last game I focused mid and top, I got our Malz fed and I got 6 kills from top but wukong went 3/11 and afked in the end.


I try carry but its just hard when you have afkers


if u cant carry from jungle then ur in the right division


needless to say i carried these shmucks




much bm rofl


if u cant carry from jungle then ur in the right division


I said I can't carry 4v5 games


And yeah I belong in Silver 4, never claimed to deserve anything higher.


I cant carry from Jungle.


Support or Top are the only roles i can carry with/play


Gettin better on olaf, first couple games I tried him I didn't know what to build or what to do in teamfights.


Now I just build tanky + warmogs or somethin and just pop ult and run to adc/apc, so fun

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