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Posted (edited)

gwas farm like froggen, push wave then do jungle camps.


jax is strong af, sucks when im the only one going for the carries in teamfights though. if i lose the next game its back to bronze 3


one thing i've been doing more recently is running tp when i play top so i can have more of an impact when skirmishes happen in bot or something. opponents dont expect it and my presence usually wins the fight and we're able to push an objective. tp really underrated summoner spell. 


oh boy last pick didnt wanna support so he picked a mid and said "2 mid np" 

looks like im going renekton support.

Edited by Insecurities

2nd day in a row where I play like crap, time to practice on normals


impressive kayle stats :O even when i play low elo its annoying af to watch the game played lol


i would say that, when you see your lane start to shove just enough for your opponent to freeze outside tower, to push asap to reset the lane


and like everyone else said, take wraiths and wolves when you are high enough to do them without losing too much


pressure lane, deny farm, wards, wards, wards...when they recall just meele them.


Also kill neutrals


thoughts on new jungle item changes?


Really like Ori as a mid. you can play passively with her in teamfights while dishing out tons of damage and making plays with those turn around 4 man shockwaves.

laning is easy just q w and that's half your opponents hp at lvl 3

Posted (edited)

joining the kayle hype


Edited by X0

Gonna start playin me some lee sin.


Gonna start playin me some lee sin.

im the master


got into series like last week, only just played ranked now cus nobody else online 


gold 4 not that it matters cus its pre season qq


cant wait for s4 so i can play ranked again and go for plat


kayle is a great carry champ


elise jungle is stupid strong still


i have a question for you Eu-west guys,

On NA servers everybody speaks English 99% of the time,


but since EU-West is divided into various countries,


are there people that don't speak english at all in some of your games.


I would expect in the 21st century that everybody has understandable english, especially since the crowd that league attracts is young


they all speak english but it's mostly 


fuck you feeder i afk i angry, mid i or afk u fuker etc


broken english but it's better than nothing


I'd like to think I'm the Bischu of Bronze.


I'd like to think I'm the Bischu of Bronze.

dont we all


With frost annie in sale i now have all annie skins  :biggrin:


With frost annie in sale i now have all annie skins  :biggrin:



Ashame u still shit


holy shit this board and this boarding fing fails is more active than the rest of forums


yh cause rs sucks.


holy shit this board and this boarding fing fails is more active than the rest of forums

yh lool true


Insec finally didnt drop straight back into bronze3 the climb is real

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