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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Being a bit of a cunt in normals just instalocking lee and leaving the room until game starts


thats why bronze/silver in euw is so much more cancerous than na bronze/silver


so many french/dutch/german/spanish/immigrants that just spam flame in a foreign language and go 0/8 every game.


they literally don't learn.


also, they all have absolutely shitty internet in france.


getting matched with premade french friends is like riot saying "you might as well afk. there is a 50% chance that 2 of your team will dc, and if they don't, they will troll each other and feed till they get bored and leave"


nice insec,


Would have built spirit visgae instead of maw of whatever though


first promo game: lost


nunu support 0/8 when i was made to carry.


shyvana went 1/4/2 through a 34 min game.


literally most presence-less jungler ever combined with a support that supported nobody, zero times


second game mid as kayle.


shit score but used my ult everytime on our fed adc.


won us so much even with a bad score lol.


1:1 for gold

Posted (edited)

nice1 gwas


my lee mechanics slowly getting closer to insec level


Binded W and itemslot1 on same key for them wardjump kicks yo

Edited by Lennu

lost 3rd game.


had to 2v1 as ap nidalee top vs mundo and j4.


got fucked so hard.


was a waste of a game so stupid.


my bot (premade) had just been in a game with our mid, and they all trolled each other hard as fuck.




1:2 gotta win 2/2


rofl gl


thats what i hate about divison series. Gotta win 3 not 2 :(




i work really hard w/ kayle to get me to promo, then i only get to play it 1/4 games.


the one game i do play kayle i win.


next time im playing kayle or taric end of


I always get last pick in promo matches which fukd me over 3 times.




i work really hard w/ kayle to get me to promo, then i only get to play it 1/4 games.


the one game i do play kayle i win.


next time im playing kayle or taric end of

My first plat promos i had to support 3 out of 4 went 1-3, second series i had to support twice ouf of 4 went 3-1.

You cinda have to link them ur lolking and show them ur stats but then if u feed they flame like no tomorrow.


What LP u at now? 2 wins from series again i suppose?


any time i done my series i was always first pick. Thats how i thought it worked :s


I hated it however as I would always get counter picked as I only play like 3 champs


any time i done my series i was always first pick. Thats how i thought it worked :s


I hated it however as I would always get counter picked as I only play like 3 champs




Im usually 1st-3rd pick and every promo game ever i've been last pick. 







i work really hard w/ kayle to get me to promo, then i only get to play it 1/4 games.


the one game i do play kayle i win.


next time im playing kayle or taric end of

My first plat promos i had to support 3 out of 4 went 1-3, second series i had to support twice ouf of 4 went 3-1.

You cinda have to link them ur lolking and show them ur stats but then if u feed they flame like no tomorrow.


What LP u at now? 2 wins from series again i suppose?



73 LP.


going away for a few days, christmas eve ill get gold


have fun gwas xoxo.


Been practicing lee mechanics in normals/bots. 


insec kick the adc straight into vayne condemn


kayle really isn't my cup of tea 


kayle really isn't my cup of tea 


hate kayle so gay champ no offense gwas


Moderator Farmoil




had a great roam to bot when they were behind and gave jinx a double kill. after that she got super fed.


Lee Sin is the most beautiful champion in the game so much room for outplay and the mechanics are amazing


I love Lee Sin


Lee Sin is the most beautiful champion in the game so much room for outplay and the mechanics are amazing


I love Lee Sin

loael. inb4boredofhim2dayslaterbecauseyouspammedhimsomuch



Lee Sin is the most beautiful champion in the game so much room for outplay and the mechanics are amazing


I love Lee Sin

loael. inb4boredofhim2dayslaterbecauseyouspammedhimsomuch


Don't think you can get bored of lee tbh.


oh euw amazing servers as always

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