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jungle mundo is fun.


My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row


Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s


pls kill me


My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row


Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s


pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.


won a ranked game on euw, no LP and game isnt in matchistory, same happend with a friend of mine so i suppose servers are fukin up again


won a ranked game on euw, no LP and game isnt in matchistory, same happend with a friend of mine so i suppose servers are fukin up again

yh same thing. hate it when that happens. woulda been at like 13-14 lp now but im at 8 :(



My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row


Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s


pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.



slow climb wat


i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies


My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row

Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s

pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.

slow climb wat

i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies

that means ur mmr is similar to the bronzies m8




My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row

Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s

pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.

slow climb wat

i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies

that means ur mmr is similar to the bronzies m8



yeah? thats what I said.


My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row

Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s

pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.
slow climb wat

i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies

that means ur mmr is similar to the bronzies m8

yeah? thats what I said.

that sux. U wanna duo then ull be with gold 5's silver ones






My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row

Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s

pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.
slow climb wat

i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies

that means ur mmr is similar to the bronzies m8

yeah? thats what I said.

that sux. U wanna duo then ull be with gold 5's silver ones


he on euw. the master race server.


I don't believe in duoing + im on EUw


Also, my loss streak is over and I wasn't on the recieving end of the rape last game... buuuut I didn't get LP for it thanks rito!


Honestly I probably lost 11 a row due to shitty mechanics and me playing unfamiliar champs. After that long break im really shit with mechanics atm but feel like its comin back now.








My mmr is so fucked, 11 ranked losses in a row

Last pick every game now and playing with bronze 1-2s

pls kill me

u can only blame urself. enjoy the slow climb. i was hovering in bronze 3-4 for ages. just focus on improving.
slow climb wat

i still get 20lp per win but I just play with bronzies

that means ur mmr is similar to the bronzies m8

yeah? thats what I said.

that sux. U wanna duo then ull be with gold 5's silver ones


he on euw. the master race server.




Yeah EUW always down but EU still better then NA rofll


Also CLG vs ATN starting now might watch


damn my last lee game didn't show up qq

Posted (edited)

Yeah EUW always down but EU still better then NA rofll


Also CLG vs ATN starting now might watch

At competitive ye but there isn't a difference at the lower elos lol

Edited by Wrecka

I prefer NA competitive over EU by far and support NA over EU lol


dat mundo FB doublelift is mad


I prefer NA competitive over EU by far and support NA over EU lol

Ye, the na pros all have a gr8 personality lol


clg getting rekt. they gonna need a miracle tf to win


Yeah lol I don't even care who wins, I just like seeing good games


Yeah lol I don't even care who wins, I just like seeing good games

Yeah same, both teams kinda irrelevant to me


that fucking gragas barrel rofl

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