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mordekaiser a good champ?

No but at low levels doesnt matter what you play it's all about learning the game mechanics

mordekaiser a good champ?

lmfao rat u playing how cunt

How's it going vista, I'll teach u the ropes man


Also in my opinion the ability to customize your mouse speed from a range of like 100-1500 or something is awesome, I think razor hit the spot when they introduced a separate gaming program for mouse speeds.


razer naga is op, working perfect 1.5yrs now

can confirm. Also a razer naga owner. Unfortunately I play on a laptop. Considering building me a rig in college when I start 9 months from now : D fk social life, LoL all the way.

but srsly farmoil naga is op, cost me 80e, best investment of money i've ever made in terms of gaming shit, although as i mentioned before I've only ever used shitty home-tier laptops for gaming.


Yeah I just bought the naga



the crowd at xdg v gmb was fucking annoying as shit man 


lol got a nice lil quadra at the end of this game 




hi friends im back


I have tried to point my mistakes out in past and sometimes I do, but I do get pretty mad/toxic at my team now and then :c

One person who always blames other ppl is skidddz rofl pretty funny when it happens


I dont blame people I just point out the mistakes and you QQ lol


wat a stomp. gz farmoil


holy fuck u guys went thru 4 pages in 1 day


Deltz how the fuck do I lane against Renekton as Jax? I went 0-5 in lane. Can't deal with his damage.


Rush botrk, max Q so u can jump from his combo and at level 8-9 you win easy.


As soon as he dashes towards you, put ur dodge on so when he stuns (the main dmg) it blocks it, as its just an auto attack,


After that just stun him and punish him. Save ur jump (Q) till he dashes (E) away and then jump to him and use the bortk and he cant do anything


and aww though the gambit game was tomrrow


wtf edward supp with amumu, and ww top


darien building raba on shyvana fuck i love this guy.


Lmao after the alex at caster desk I kinda like gambit. They're so troll like Na except good. 


Just found out that Gambit was Moscow Five, it was weird as I knew MF were a good team and I never heard from them again,

Also what happened to Tapei Assasins


Lmao after the alex at caster desk I kinda like gambit. They're so troll like Na except good. 

( ͡° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)


That moment when you find out Nightblue3 is from Lebanon >.>


what is solo q? everybody bangs on about it so confused


Just found out that Gambit was Moscow Five, it was weird as I knew MF were a good team and I never heard from them again,

Also what happened to Tapei Assasins

Well done faggot


and they disbanded


dizzy wtf I started mid s3 and I knew that.

vista, solo queue is the ranked queue, not sure if you're lvl 30 yet but yeah once you hit 30 and own 16 champs you can start ranked, which imo is the best place to improve since most the time people actually care about the outcome of the games. there's also duo q which is ranked with one other friend of yours.


what is solo q? everybody bangs on about it so confused

playing ranked games by yourself pretty much


its pretty troll


just ask lennu


Start ranked straight away if you want to pick up bad habbits and stay in bronze/silver, if not play normals for a bit longer


Start ranked straight away if you want to pick up bad habbits and stay in bronze/silver, if not play normals for a bit longer


Yeah don't start ranked straight away lol 


Start ranked straight away if you want to pick up bad habbits and stay in bronze/silver, if not play normals for a bit longer

can confirm, started mid season 2 and went straight to 340elo back then got 1200 before season ended but took me like 6-8months to get out.


tried dfg gragas, really underwhelming expected it to do much more


not sure if I built right because I went athenes first then dfg dunno if when people play dfg grag they rush it or what

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