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I only buy champs on sale.

Full price to expensive


I only buy champs on sale.

Full price to expensive


carrying noobs

funny part is that our cs was so bad vs theirs so gold was probably not too much higher than theirs


watch this if u have the time

best tf na


gross gore is shit

Posted (edited)


My Q was on like 110+235+587 on a 3.2 sec cd. Could of Solo'd baron with ease.

Initated on their team and came out with full hp - 32% life stea rofl.

Nasus. So easy and OP

Edited by DeltaPapa

played karma never again


Why is twich beast lo


played karma never again

full ap karma is sleeper op lol.

As nobody knows what your abilities do and she has good scaling lol. Just cant carry


banned until 22 feb zzzzzzzzzzz


banned until 22 feb zzzzzzzzzzz


Posted (edited)

Lol this game was fun/funny. I was basically 1v3'n them at top


Edited by Wrecka

y farmoil

My lol client crashed reloaded and I had warning screen for afking, played rest of game and got banned straight after.

Duno y they ban me so quickly :<


y farmoil

My lol client crashed reloaded and I had warning screen for afking, played rest of game and got banned straight after.

Duno y they ban me so quickly :<

wud of been for something else. Repots take awhile to process lol. Probabaly afk'd a game a week ago or something


y farmoil

My lol client crashed reloaded and I had warning screen for afking, played rest of game and got banned straight after.

Duno y they ban me so quickly :<

wud of been for something else. Repots take awhile to process lol. Probabaly afk'd a game a week ago or something

I wish i took a pic to show you, as soon as game ended a screen popped up saying "your acc has been banned you will now be logged out"


played karma never again

theres a reason no1 uses her r0lf


Just spent 13k ip. Fuarkk i feel poor.

6k on lifestea quints for Nasus rofl and brought Vi.

She looks good top maxing Q and going bruiser build


FYI darius is getting nerfed.

Instead of your ulti getting refreshed after you kill someone, you now have 12 seconds to use it again before it goes on cooldown.

RIP darius.


FYI darius is getting nerfed.

Instead of your ulti getting refreshed after you kill someone, you now have 12 seconds to use it again before it goes on cooldown.

RIP darius.

not to bad of a nerf, especially in team fights

hes still pretty op tho


Glad darius is getting nerfed bit, and yeah I was going to buy Vi too but then I got banned.. Looking forward to playing her tho


Vi so op.

Your on like 3.5k hp yet still doing tons of dmg.


Just get warmogs and ur passive and warmogs will keep u alive for ever

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