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I got 2 buttons on the side and i use 1 of them for trinket.


If im playing lee or kata il bind their jump to the second button so i can trinket then jump

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I tried to use the buttons but rarely do anymore. Still an excellent mouse though and I don't see how weight would matter. you can get used to any mouse regardless of weight. hell kerp from atn uses a trackball mouse.

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Rofl, was looking at my lolking and then i saw this:


fucking 5-34 with these 'big' season 3 junglers... almost all those games were from before pre-season patch.. i fukin suck

also 7-8 with udyr, 5-7 with nocturne.. 10-14 hecarim rofl


Suppose i made up for those loses with these champs:


Still funny how i suck with so many junglers lmao.


Edited by X0
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Do you guys use locked or unlocked screen, and do you use space or Y-key to center the screen?

Feels like lower elos use locked screen and higher ones use unlocked.

I've always played on unlocked and I tap Y to center the screen. Pressing space seems better but hard to change habits.

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5 wins

0 loss


shit scores but idec

tech me how to Kayle pls



e hit-hit-hit. if u take dmg/they get away press w.


after 5th aa with e on, use q


they were dead before they knew it.




doesnt q increase damage dealt to the target? so u should use it first?

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5 wins

0 loss


shit scores but idec

tech me how to Kayle pls



e hit-hit-hit. if u take dmg/they get away press w.


after 5th aa with e on, use q


they were dead before they knew it.




doesnt q increase damage dealt to the target? so u should use it first?




nope its the passive. q after auto attacks does more dmg but most people do it before for the slow

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grats on gold, gl in season 4 where u gna get reset back to silver 3 without gold border :biggrin:

Rof sad but true

no wai does this fking mean I'll be reset to bronze 5..

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grats on gold, gl in season 4 where u gna get reset back to silver 3 without gold border :biggrin:

Rof sad but true
no wai does this fking mean I'll be reset to bronze 5..
Nope, everyone gets reset closer to 1200 elo which is silver 5 iirc. So it favors you bronzies.
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grats on gold, gl in season 4 where u gna get reset back to silver 3 without gold border :biggrin:

Rof sad but true
no wai does this fking mean I'll be reset to bronze 5..
Nope, everyone gets reset closer to 1200 elo which is silver 5 iirc. So it favors you bronzies.


current mmr + 1200 / 2 is whats gonna be used, so yea it helps brons players, but then again if they are still as bad as they are they will go back to bronze anyway.

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