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grats on gold, gl in season 4 where u gna get reset back to silver 3 without gold border :biggrin:

Rof sad but true
no wai does this fking mean I'll be reset to bronze 5..
Nope, everyone gets reset closer to 1200 elo which is silver 5 iirc. So it favors you bronzies.

current mmr + 1200 / 2 is whats gonna be used, so yea it helps brons players, but then again if they are still as bad as they are they will go back to bronze anyway.

Yeah im pretty sure some rioter said you can drop leagues now. Inb4 im bronze in s4

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1k riot points who to buy????

don't buy anyone yet play different champs with the free rotations untill You find a champ you like than when it is off rotation buy with rp/ip if you have enough ip than you can buy a skin with the rp if its a 6.3k and your no way near just use the rp Edited by k or as i
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need to find champs i wanna master for season 4 ergh


post some suggestions pls people

malphite is always a safe yet strong pick easy to play aswell

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I always try to master champs, but only a few get tru the test stage in normal games  :laugh: mainly for top/mid champs jungle it doesnt matter that much u dont need to know matchups etc.


Cant really give u tips/ideas for what champions and i dont think anyone can since everyone plays a champion differently/different playstyle.

Edited by X0
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Right, so I was 32RP from 975Rp I decided to ask Rito to give me the 32rp since I cba buying anymore...


I get a reply few hours later saying I have to draw something league-related and send it to them in order to get my 32rp.. Lol


Some1 draw me something so I can get this mistletoe lb skin

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1k riot points who to buy????

don't buy anyone yet play different champs with the free rotations untill You find a champ you like than when it is off rotation buy with rp/ip if you have enough ip than you can buy a skin with the rp if its a 6.3k and your no way near just use the rp


alright thanks and also how often do the free rotations happen and when do they change?

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Rofl i told them i drew a very nice pic but I dont have a scanner so i cant upload.

their reply:PsopbKg.png





Edited by Wally1337
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