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Posted (edited)

juke city


Edited by k or as i
Posted (edited)

1) Jade Dragon Wukong

2) Volcanic Wukong

3) Mistletoe LeBlanc



Which to buy??

Edited by Wally1337

my kayle stats getting from silver III to Gold V



minus 1 loss because that was after promo :D


36:12 not too bad !¬!!!!!11


1) Jade Dragon Wukong

2) Volcanic Wukong

3) Mistletoe LeBlanc



Which to buy??


none of those lol.


Any good wukong player uses general. And LB skin changes nothing but looks.


When are the xmas skins unavailable because I can't get on League before the 28th. : ( rito pls keep them a little longer so i can spend an even more obscene amount of money on your free game.


get sum1 else to get on for u, if u have rp

spent all my rp already : D

really want silent night sona. : (


What champs should I buy I main jungle


Lee, olaf, shyv, elise, vi

Best junglers atm imo


What champs should I buy I main jungle

nunu bot


thats all u need


Learn elise. Her early ganks are ridiculous cause of cocoon range and hp% based damage abilities.


Lee, olaf, shyv, elise, vi

Best junglers atm imo

dont forget eve and rengar when they aren't banned

Lee, olaf, shyv, elise, vi

Best junglers atm imo

dont forget eve and rengar when they aren't banned

I main eve have like 60 somethin % winrate on her, practicing lee and olaf and was thinkin of buying vi next

Ill think about shyv, never liked elise but guess ill try it once more.

After I learn those pretty well ima start playing top more


Rengar is shit in jungle and eve is getting da nerf hammer next patch


tank rengar top is best rengar.


tank rengar top is best rengar.


Top: Riven, Rengar, Nasus

Mid: Kassadin, Ziggs

Jungle: Evelynn, Kha'Zix

ADC: Jinx, Lucian

Support: Annie

Are apparently best champs for soloq in current patch. Is ziggs rly that strong now?


Ziggs is amazing right now so hard to siege vs a ziggs


Just owned a ziggs with gragas. #Ms Quints


Mum got me championship riven for xmas


Lol nice try delta cunt

And yh wrecka I love jungle kha except for if you get behind QQ


Ziggs will no longer be a hidden op.

Getting the nerf hammer soon, next patch probably.

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