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I love khazix for that assassination kit, jump in w, q, auto-attack with trinity force, ulti if there are people around, jump out (if you evolved wings),



Actually you q-hydra mid air then w-q when you land then e out noob


Actually you q-hydra mid air then w-q when you land then e out noob

havent thought of that


Actually you q-hydra mid air then w-q when you land then e out noob

havent thought of that


then you need to browse reddit more.


Actually you q-hydra mid air then w-q when you land then e out noob

havent thought of that

then you need to browse reddit more.
i browse reddit a lot haven't seen that

this is srsly the worst week to play ranked...


on a loss streak because of scrubs that got their christmas money and were like:


"omg i go buy a skin and i play the champion for the first time in ranked"


Gonna buy rp card with my gamestop giftcard I got 4 christmas, list me 5 champs to buy pls frends


Gonna buy rp card with my gamestop giftcard I got 4 christmas, list me 5 champs to buy pls frends

look for a champ on sale that's usually a 4800/6300



An adc so Lucian/Jinx

A skin if you would like

DeltZ farmoil or gwas will tell you the rest I have no idea

Oh ziggs


dont buy ziggs he gettin nerfed soon






and yh skins and shit.

getting 18k rp for myself soon, all of you lovely people here will get a mystery gift from me.


dont buy ziggs he gettin nerfed soon





and yh skins and shit.

getting 18k rp for myself soon, all of you lovely people here will get a mystery gift from me.

how much is 18k rp

Had a game where a yasou went bot with an Alistair. Surprisingly good against adcs because of the windwalk and yasao could farm with his q while staying in the bush and being agile.

Also when Alistair knocked someone up he could ulti which was a neat combo.


whats this weird as fuck meta that keeps goin on


our first pick is platinum 1 or 2


our last pick is bronze 1 or 2


they are premade


platinum guy does well in lane because hes vs gold


bronze pick is always support and fucks up the adcs lane meaning we have no adc??


seeing it time and time again on my team its rly annoying i fucking hate gold mmr


Have been on like 10 win streak in ranked cus I'm 2nd pick or so and so now my mmr is rly high I play with gold 1/plat and got last pick and forced to supp and we lost QQ

And dont buy champs with rp just wait for ip imo


Have been on like 10 win streak in ranked cus I'm 2nd pick or so and so now my mmr is rly high I play with gold 1/plat and got last pick and forced to supp and we lost QQ

And dont buy champs with rp just wait for ip imo

it feels more rewarding saving up


dont buy ziggs he gettin nerfed soon





and yh skins and shit.

getting 18k rp for myself soon, all of you lovely people here will get a mystery gift from me.

how much is 18k rp



100 euro so like 130$ I've probably spent over 500e on LoL lol

Have been on like 10 win streak in ranked cus I'm 2nd pick or so and so now my mmr is rly high I play with gold 1/plat and got last pick and forced to supp and we lost QQ

And dont buy champs with rp just wait for ip imo

Need ip for runes.


Went 2/8 with championship riven in ranked rofl

Famoils gonna hate me


deltz how did your mom get championship riven?


fuckin hate this


dunno what to do in ranked my mmr is really high keep losing games with support trolls


shit junglers cant gank 4 games in a row


rly dno what to do because if i make 1 mistake in lane i never get a chance to win it back with no jungler support lol


cant jungle very well myself erugh aram till s4


Dno its rude to ask how much your presents are


o sorry deltz. i looked on ebay anyway and they go for like 200-400$

might buy some op supports like nami/leo and master them!!!

blitz/thresh/leona are all op. nami's more difficult if you cant land bubbles.


playing kayle quite a bit starting to get to grips with a few champs getting into the game 


anybody know some good support champs i wanna spread out with the roles i can play

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