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orianna is awesome in teamfights, mid champ im most comfortable with. one well placed shockwave can win a teamfight. also has good harass in lane at lvl 2/3 depending on if you start e or not.


he doesnt really have championship riven hes trying to piss me off rofl


rofl looks like fred cant handle gold lol!!! every1 point n laff


nothing to do with my ability to play lmao, my mmr and my matchups.



first ever leona game


so god damn fun LOL

Posted (edited)

nothing to do with my ability to play lmao, my mmr and my matchups.

first ever leona game

so god damn fun LOL

holy fuck u carried with Leona 2nd most gold Edited by Dizzy

farmoil does that mean he dropped down or the reset happened?



nothing to do with my ability to play lmao, my mmr and my matchups.

first ever leona game

so god damn fun LOL

holy fuck u carried with Leona 2nd most gold



did you expect anything less young dizzy?

Posted (edited)

no trinity on lucian wtf

oh and disregard my last comment about gwas lllll i thought he dropped back to silver 1 for some reason

Edited by Insecurities

nothing to do with my ability to play lmao, my mmr and my matchups.

first ever leona game

so god damn fun LOL

holy fuck u carried with Leona 2nd most gold

did you expect anything less young dizzy?

no master never master dizzy obeys master

fred nice feeding as expected hueheuh



elise jung is my new favourite which I'll spam when s4 starts prob


take notes from farmoil lennu


Is dizzy the one who is 13?


Is dizzy the one who is 13?

he's prob older now but ye he's that guy



and insec if you want gold ye take notes from me but if you wanna be better just watch pro/challanger streams and just play and do what they do Q.Q


been watching nightblue3 elise and now I run the items/page he runs and try to pull plays like he does which been helping a lot


nightblu3 is such an underrated streamer.

Posted (edited)

Is dizzy the one who is 13?

i don't think I've talked to u yet I'm 14 Edited by Dizzy

so fred said he would carry me








thx for carry fred


he hit 0 ultis but he got like 2/3 which slowed them 


fred nice feeding as expected hueheuh



elise jung is my new favourite which I'll spam when s4 starts prob


pfft we just carried ur mates


he hit 0 ultis but he got like 2/3 which slowed them 


i did not hit 0 i hit more shut up.


ur talking about 1 in lane which i missed because lucian e'd out of it.. and 1 other wasnt a serious 1.


rest hit


When you hit leona ult it stuns them you tit you didnt hit any when I was there or watching you

Did well for 2nd game tho



it hurts to laugh XD i lost it at the baron fight

merry christmas btw everyone


Lol hotshotgg


Lol hotshotgg

Biggest bitch in lol pro scene

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