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*pro tip*


1.) use lolnexus to find out if anyone in the opposing team is in promos


2.) ask them if they would like you to throw the game for £


3.) give them your paypal and wait for the £, if it comes, throw


~-~ how to make mny like pro gamer w/o being pro gamer ~-~

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I heard in kr 5v5 ranked challenger they play speed meta and ram into there openents so they sell there boots late game and buy swifts or mobs and play voli,Jacts,zilean etc let me see if I can find some videos

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hotshot aint a pro lennu, but yeah he bitches so much about how shitty na soloq is but then acts toxic. he should move to kr and play there.


tell me agian how he acts toxic pls

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hotshot aint a pro lennu, but yeah he bitches so much about how shitty na soloq is but then acts toxic. he should move to kr and play there.


tell me agian how he acts toxic pls


he rages a lot.

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thresh leona best supports generally due to huge cc, nami, blitz, ali more picked around the team comp


my best support is leona, morgana is fun as hell though, if you have an adc who knows what they're doing and can follow up its pretty much a free win

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in bronze you're called a troll if you lock in annie support. : (


"Wtf lennu im mid pls 9x repoert lenni for troll pick" when I go annie support


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in bronze you're called a troll if you lock in annie support. : (


"Wtf lennu im mid pls 9x repoert lenni for troll pick" when I go annie support



annie is a jungler 

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why did u quit foe lennu

Quit like 3 months ago but kinda stayed as member even tho I attended maybe 5 trips during that time, havent enjoyed clanning in ages might aswell quit

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I love playing khaz late/mid game but I find his laning phase superrrrrrrrrrr boring so that's why I dont play him that much

his laning phase isn't bad mid, as you can do a lot of damage at level 3, but top lane it sucks as khazix isn't too strong against bruisers early game
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I didn't say it was bad I said it was boring




went into ranked game haven't been lagging and bam 500 ping, just went afk was fustrating to play with 7 sec delay

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I love playing khaz late/mid game but I find his laning phase superrrrrrrrrrr boring so that's why I dont play him that much

his laning phase isn't bad mid, as you can do a lot of damage at level 3, but top lane it sucks as khazix isn't too strong against bruisers early game


Dont ppl play him in jungle a lot now?

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Time to play me some league after a few days christmas break


inb4 my lose streak continues.


Any1 wanna get some snowdown icons i think you need a 5man premade for 1 of them?

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