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However, we accidentally banned Karthus instead of Riven which allowed Cris to take one of his strongest champions


lold. Zekent talking about the CRS  v COG first game.


Not the greatest time to do that mistake when fighting for LCS spot


I love playing khaz late/mid game but I find his laning phase superrrrrrrrrrr boring so that's why I dont play him that much

his laning phase isn't bad mid, as you can do a lot of damage at level 3, but top lane it sucks as khazix isn't too strong against bruisers early game

Dont ppl play him in jungle a lot now?
yeah max w for sustain and clear

Lol dizzy what the hell are you on about


0 motivation to play league this week... so many kids on holiday

Posted (edited)

Doesnt khazix w heal u

Edited by Dizzy

time to practice some more lee mechanics gonna pull allnighter yolo


Doesnt khazix w heal u

yes but you don't max it first, you don't even evolve it 


for kha jungle you max Q and evolve e/q depending on enemy jungler


^ His q is too strong lol and you need e for team fighting. Evolve Q/E - E/Q - R


dizzy stop reading month old guides from mobafire

Posted (edited)

Dem season 1 mobafire guides rush heart of gold

I miss the old synonyms ring

Edited by k or as i

dizzy stop reading month old guides from mobafire

i tried to build heart of gold and I couldn't find it anywhere :(


dizzy stop reading month old guides from mobafire

i tried to build heart of gold and I couldn't find it anywhere :(







yasuo actually pretty fun lol


what season is it at the moment 


Why do I always get matched up with retards that like to chase supports and end up getting baited... (happened 4 times in same game)...


P.S: this yasuo went 0/6 in first 20 min




people still throw like that in gold? wow.


people still throw like that in gold? wow.

even in challenger elo hell is everywhere


People throw in every division


yh ofc but i thought chasing for kills instead of taking objectives was exclusively a pretty low elo mentality


Obv. all divisions throw but I'm on a loss streak because of wooden players, Rito hating on me because I didnt buy enough Rp this year

Posted (edited)

Obv. all divisions throw but I'm on a loss streak because of wooden players, Rito hating on me because I didnt buy enough Rp this year

or maybe your taric is gold 1 level but nothing else?

Edited by Farmoil


Obv. all divisions throw but I'm on a loss streak because of wooden players, Rito hating on me because I didnt buy enough Rp this year

or maybe your taric is gold 1 level but nothing else?


what do you mean lol

Posted (edited)

like your support taric is able to carry at gold 1 because thats what you played to get there but your mid etc aren't at gold level 



if I spammed adc and got to diamond 1 then started playing mid I wont be a diamond 1 mid laner if you see what I mean


my logic might be dumb but I think if you play other roles than supp you might drop some tiers

Edited by Farmoil

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