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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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like your support taric is able to carry at gold 1 because thats what you played to get there but your mid etc aren't at gold level 



if I spammed adc and got to diamond 1 then started playing mid I wont be a diamond 1 mid laner if you see what I mean


my logic might be dumb but I think if you play other roles than supp you might drop some tiers


He played pretty well that game but I get your point


yh in order to climb you have to be balanced at all roles. That's why i fucking hate it when people in pregame chat say "i can only play mid or top"

why the fuck are these people playing ranked then?


I usually take whatever is left (in more cases support)


So Annie's stun is getting nerfed. This used to not be a problem until butthurt adc's started crying that she was too op after Tabe used her at worlds and everyone started spamming her. Also pre season patch I guess. But yeah I don't support this.


no blitz or mumu ban wtf someone dodge @#$%@#%@#%$#@

wat's the hax in this pic tho?


anyone watch the cj blaze vs kt bullets game? :D


wish i could. gonna catch up on ogn tomorrow. : D

missed both skt and ktb games.


i think u posted it somewhere before but i hate how i get called a troll for supporting annie in bronze :'c


no blitz or mumu ban wtf someone dodge @#$%@#%@#%$#@

wat's the hax in this pic tho?

I can access main menu (store, profile, etc) from champ select


u dont need to be balanced at all roles to climb


u should be comfortable with at least 3 though


so im not going to have internet from this saturday to next sunday


GGGGG hope i dont miss anything big (inb4 patch 4.1)


On my way home from hotel internet( I only played league at night).


Give me info ill boost you to challenger np


Yasuo pretty fun if you get fed, dunno mechanics fully yet so cant say if Ill continue playin this in ranked etc


Yasuo pretty fun if you get fed, dunno mechanics fully yet so cant say if Ill continue playin this in ranked etc

don't play yasuo in ranked until you are pretty comfortable with him, 


if your only option is to play him top don't. he can't compete vs bruisers like shyv.


played yasuo bot in normals windshield thingy op vs caitlyn ults


also had the greatest troll ever, shen ulted leblanc every time she was taking blue and smited it away was so hilarious


yasuo's w is stupid af, it literally deletes gragas ult and barrel from the map instead of just stopping it...


yh its op as fuck in teamfights, pretty much nullifies any engage the enemy might have.


stopped a jinx ult last game that woulda killed me, w is fun to use


i fed pretty bad but idk its normals whatever


stopped a jinx ult last game that woulda killed me, w is fun to use


i fed pretty bad but idk its normals whatever

I stopped a gragas ult into baron pit

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