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This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Its funny how youd expectt to get better the more you play but seems im getting worse game after game.


Not fun for me at all atm

when you play do you just play? or do  you actually think about what you're doing/what to do next?

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Its funny how youd expectt to get better the more you play but seems im getting worse game after game.


Not fun for me at all atm

when you play do you just play? or do  you actually think about what you're doing/what to do next?


i dont think hes a retard

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Its funny how youd expectt to get better the more you play but seems im getting worse game after game.


Not fun for me at all atm

when you play do you just play? or do  you actually think about what you're doing/what to do next?


i dont think hes a retard


I wasn't implying that.


Get back home today so I'll be online again if anyone wants to duo feel free to ask. Gonna try and get Silver before January 6th.

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So last ranked game we had someone pick gragas jungle and he never played gragas before.


And our ori mid never signaled ss and was pretty much useless in teamfights

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Ranked games are pretty much a gamble


There is no such thing as being a carry/carried anymore


It's either having a feeder/troll/afk on your team or on theirs


And thats pretty much how wins/losses are attained.

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Its funny how youd expectt to get better the more you play but seems im getting worse game after game.


Not fun for me at all atm

when you play do you just play? or do  you actually think about what you're doing/what to do next?



I was never rly smart as a player, on top of that my mechanics are absolutely shit right now since I've had so many breaks etc.


Also only playing jungle right now cos adc is completely useless, fuk the 5k hp mundos olafs and shyvanas etc with thornmail etc etc

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Ranked games are pretty much a gamble


There is no such thing as being a carry/carried anymore


It's either having a feeder/troll/afk on your team or on theirs


And thats pretty much how wins/losses are attained.


True. More of a chance that they have a feeder/troller/afk on their team then yours though. Just need to play enough games

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Lennu you just need to keep playing games and not get discouraged. Even when I dropped from Bronze 3 to Bronze 5 I kept playing and I've finally reached a point where I'm able to consistently win games simply because I kept playing and tried to learn as much as I could about my own play instead of focusing on others mistakes.

Why are you guys saying it's a gamble now? That's like saying individual player mechanics and decision making are irrelevant now and climbing is all about getting lucky and hoping the enemy team consistently has a feeder/troll/afk

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Lennu you just need to keep playing games and not get discouraged. Even when I dropped from Bronze 3 to Bronze 5 I kept playing and I've finally reached a point where I'm able to consistently win games simply because I kept playing and tried to learn as much as I could about my own play instead of focusing on others mistakes.

Why are you guys saying it's a gamble now? That's like saying individual player mechanics and decision making are irrelevant now and climbing is all about getting lucky and hoping the enemy team consistently has a feeder/troll/afk

2/10 of my games actually had a reasonable amount of teamwork and communication with no flaming and we were matched up against an experienced team (both teams had no feeders/afkers/flamers). And even if the game was lost it would still be a gg and no one would be flamed. 


Other than that, my other games either had feeders/trolls/afkers on their team or mine. So I wouldn't call that a fair game for either one of us.



Individual gameplay only matters for the first 20 minutes of the game. After that Its all about waiting for someone to throw from either team. Basically the way I see it, it's a game of luck more than a game of skill (for soloQ). 

Edited by Wally1337
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teleport udyr jungler 9/0/9 315cs 38 min comeatme


615 movement with bear i ran around there base while are team got baron and they couldent even kill me rofl the baits

Edited by k or as i
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yup there it is :D




I'm quite horrible player... had many long breaks and feeling rly outsider when ever I'm playing... dropped from Gold 3 to gold 5 0 lp in like week or so cuz this game changed quite a bit when I last time played it on s3 beginning...

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