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farmoil when u online ffs


just had a 1hr game in ranked havent had one of those in a while


Lots of flaming and mini throws but we managed a decent comeback and won ^ ^


Not in mood atm delta


ffs going to bed then


and tried elise (played her like twice mayb) rekt xin in lane but when it came to tf dno what i supposed to do.


If i rappel in i die


As much as I love adc I'm not going to play it anymore

Was 11/0 vayne and still lost because Im shit and cant carry


time 2 learn katarina 

Posted (edited)

ffs going to bed then

and tried elise (played her like twice mayb) rekt xin in lane but when it came to tf dno what i supposed to do.

If i rappel in i die

protect adc with coccoon w for poke spam q stay alive only rappel if you can burst a carry down for a trade

Edit: o yeah and only use q on high up targets melts alot of hp when u have good magic pen atleast 500 to a full up tank even more with void staff

Edited by k or as i

kata is shit

I've never understood kata she's op yet she's shit


kata is shit

I've never understood kata she's op yet she's shit



just played vs a kata, shes op


and btw out of probs last 20 ranked games i've won like 3 woo


10~ had afkers/dc in my team fukin love playing shit and having afkers on top of that


Im gonna start playing a bit more before new years need to sharpen up for s4 havent been on properly since the 18th


havent played in ages.


going home from gfs gonna get a few ranked games in before i go out.


gold is worse than silver imo


in silver the skill level is a lower average but you get kids in gold who are gold V and just decide "lol i cant get lower" and afk. so regularly.






ive said this before but: has anyone else been matched with like a high plat and a low bronze (talking to other gold elos)


its so fucking annoying!!!!


theyre premade and the bronze feeds 100% then the plat players like urgh i give up...


ur left with 4v5 and a fed enemy champ or 2





morgana my fave champ atm, easy to control the lane and teamfights are piece of cake with a well timed r


carrying koray as per usual (dont look at my cs i slay champs not minions)






I wanna exclusively play Kat and Khazix let's see how long this lasts

Posted (edited)

well done you managed to carry one game for a change 

Edited by k or as i

I think u will both find I carried lol my score much more impressive


also to defend koray I didnt gank top once and the aatrox was up there all the time. i just focused on getting mid and bot fed


i ban fiora now to stop myself giving the enemy a free loss






i ban fiora now to stop myself giving the enemy a free loss






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